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Commercial Law


Jury Sides with Google on Oracle's Patent Claims Image

Jury Sides with Google on Oracle's Patent Claims

Ginny LaRoe

Google Inc. took home a defense verdict on May 23 in its smartphone fight with Oracle Corp. after a jury rejected all claims of patent infringement.


Taxing Online Sales ' The 2012 Update Image

Taxing Online Sales ' The 2012 Update

Marcelo Halpern, Amanda Weare & Lauren Matecki

As an update to our article in the June 2011 issue, this article highlights important case developments and new legal trends that have emerged with respect to the collection of state sales taxes by online retailers, as well as a general overview of online sales taxes and the constitutionality of click-through affiliate relationships.


TV Writers' Lawyers Fight over Fee Award Image

TV Writers' Lawyers Fight over Fee Award

Zoe Tillman

For a class of older television writers suing studios, networks and talent agencies for age discrimination, a $70 million settlement reached in 2010 was a happy ending. For the writers' lawyers, though, it was only the opening act in a story line that might seem clich' to some of their clients ' a fight over money.


Court Watch Image

Court Watch

Cynthia M. Klaus & Susan E. Tegt

Highlights of the latest franchising cases from around the country.


In Search of Intangible Asset Value Image

In Search of Intangible Asset Value

Michael J. Raymond

In the light of <i>Keane</i>,a first step to successfully arguing that business income should be excluded from consideration for maintenance is to demonstrate that the business value includes some intangible component.


Understanding the Basics of Nursing Home Negligence Matters Image

Understanding the Basics of Nursing Home Negligence Matters

Brandon Swartz

Nursing-home negligence claims are on the rise. Here are the types of claims are most plaintiff attorneys likely to see, and some of the basics they should know about them.


Applying Technology To the Business of Health Care Image

Applying Technology To the Business of Health Care

Jonathan Bick

Advocates for online health services have long argued that the health care-services and health care-products industries could significantly enhance its ability to deliver quality products and services to consumers by using e-commerce to improve access to, and the timeliness and accuracy of, information, delivery and purchasing pertaining to the health care-sector supply chain.


Asking Prospective Employees for Social Media Login Data Image

Asking Prospective Employees for Social Media Login Data

Steven W. Suflas & Mary Cate Gordon

A recent trend in the human resources community is to ask prospective employees for usernames and passwords to social media sites to allow the hiring employer access to otherwise private information about an employment candidate's "online identity." e-Commerce companies, even though they are based on and operate through online activities, sometimes through social media, should carefully consider what principals and hiring parties in the firms may view as a natural inclination to examine an applicant's or an employee's social media postings and persona by demanding access to the sites.


Copy<i>wrongs</i> for Start-up Firms Image

Copy<i>wrongs</i> for Start-up Firms

Stanley P. Jaskiewicz

Much virtual ink has been spilled about the complexities of applying traditional copyright law to e-commerce (and the Internet, generally). The intersection of law developed for the written word on paper, and tangible objects, and digital distribution of their modern equivalents, remains a work in progress, to say the least.


Digital Copiers Don't Forget Image

Digital Copiers Don't Forget

L. Elise Dieterich

Risk mitigation requires a good understanding of where the vulnerabilities are, and one that many companies have missed is the sensitive data that likely reside in the hard drive memories of printers, copiers, and fax machines.

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