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Commercial Law


Challenges in Solar Equipment Finance Image

Challenges in Solar Equipment Finance

Jennifer L. Howard & Kenneth P. Weinberg

Growth in solar-generation capacity has not been evenly distributed across the country, as some states' policies and laws are solar-friendly, while those in other states pose barriers. One such barrier in many states is the lack of access to financing.


Downgraded: Industry Growth Forecast For 2016 Image

Downgraded: Industry Growth Forecast For 2016

The Equipment Leasing & Finance Foundation has released its Q3 update to the 2016 Equipment Leasing & Finance U.S. Economic Outlook, reducing the year's growth expectations to just 0.9%.


How to Understand and Protect the Data in Your Enterprise Image

How to Understand and Protect the Data in Your Enterprise

Bill Lederer

Especially in a time where cybersecurity remains in the headlines on a regular basis, it's crucial to understand what data exists in order to protect it. Where's your data? What if you lost track of some of it? What if attackers copied it?


EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Finalized Image

EU-U.S. Privacy Shield Finalized

Jonathan Armstrong & Andre Bywater

The European Commission concluded more than six months of negotiations both within the EU institutions and with the U.S. on July 12 with the announcement that an agreement had been reached on the Privacy Shield scheme to transfer data from the EU to the U.S.


Standing the Test of 'Time Is of the Essence' Image

Standing the Test of 'Time Is of the Essence'

Eric Rubenstein & John Chillemi

Real estate purchase and sale contracts have included the magic language, "Time is of the Essence" (TOE), seemingly since time immemorial. Practitioners should be mindful, however, of the meaning of TOE and the significance of its absence from a contract.

Columns & Departments

Case Notes Image

Case Notes

Cases involving a non-paying restaurant tenant and statutory theft.


Federal Circuit Provides Clarity For Contract Manufacturing On-Sale Invalidity Claims Image

Federal Circuit Provides Clarity For Contract Manufacturing On-Sale Invalidity Claims

Daniel Melman

In <i>The Medicines Company v. Hospira</i>, the Federal Circuit provided clarity and guidance to companies that rely on contract manufacturing, holding that "to be 'on sale' under '102(b), a product must be the subject of a commercial sale or offer for sale, and that a commercial sale is one that bears the general hallmarks of a sale pursuant to Section 2-106 of the Uniform Commercial Code."


Six Keys to a Successful Law Firm Merger Image

Six Keys to a Successful Law Firm Merger

J. Mark Santiago

Over the past two years I have been involved in three merger situations and I am currently working on two more. I have come away with six factors that, I believe, determine the success or failure of law firm merger discussions.


<i>Cuozzo</i> Upholds PTAB Authority Image

<i>Cuozzo</i> Upholds PTAB Authority

Jennifer R. Bush & Will Pierog

In June, in <i>Cuozzo Speed Technologies</i>, the Supreme Court upheld the prior Federal Circuit decision that a patent owner cannot, in most circumstances, appeal the decision of the Patent Trial and Appeal Board to institute an inter partes review.


Associate Salary Stratification More Likely In 'Buyer's Market' Image

Associate Salary Stratification More Likely In 'Buyer's Market'

Lizzy McLellan

Since Cravath, Swaine &amp; Moore upped the ante on associate salaries this Spring, others in the big law community have responded gradually, some going all-in and others devising region-specific pay scales. In the current market, industry watchers say, the salary game has changed, and most firms will need to take the more thoughtful approach.

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