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Blockchain and GDPR — Frenemies? Image

Blockchain and GDPR — Frenemies?

Justin Hectus & Kristy Sambor

In a nutshell, GDPR mandates that individuals have access and control over the use and maintenance of their data in certain circumstances, while the foundation of blockchain relies on the immutability of data. On the surface, these concepts seem in direct conflict with each other. This article discusses the points where GDPR and blockchain share common ground, where conflicts may exist and possible approaches for mitigating those conflicts.


The End of the Privacy Shield? Image

The End of the Privacy Shield?

Eric Levy

If the U.S. cannot come to an understanding with the European Parliament by September 1, companies that already participate in Privacy Shield may find themselves in limbo. But there are options.


General Data Protection Regulation: Defense or Offense? Image

General Data Protection Regulation: Defense or Offense?

Nina Cunningham

Ostensibly, GDPR's mission is to strengthen and unify the EU's protection of online privacy rights and promote data protection for citizens of the 28 countries currently in the EU. In the global economy, however, GDPR serves as an alarm to all countries with business flowing across Europe and well beyond. Where business flows, data follow.

Columns & Departments

Business Crimes Hotline Image

Business Crimes Hotline

Ki Won Ahn

Macau Mogul Sentenced in First U.N. Bribery Case


Practical Impact of D.C. Circuit's Ruling on Foreign Broadcasters and Copyright Liability Image

Practical Impact of D.C. Circuit's Ruling on Foreign Broadcasters and Copyright Liability

Scott D. Locke & Laura-Michelle Horgan

Broadcasters around the globe know that Americans want access to digital content and that they often ignore who provides it to them. For business reasons, tax reasons or to try to avoid liability under copyright law, many of these broadcasters intentionally do not set up operations in the United States. However, when these broadcasters transmit content for which they do not have authorization, they may be in violation of the copyright holder's rights.

Are U.S. Records Retention Requirements on a Collision Course with the GDPR's 'Right to Erasure?' Image

Are U.S. Records Retention Requirements on a Collision Course with the GDPR's 'Right to Erasure?'

Stacey Garrett

U.S. laws require companies to retain records for years, and sometimes forever, and violating U.S. records retention laws can result in domestic fines and penalties. How can U.S. companies comply with the GDPR's "right to erasure" while still fulfilling their U.S. records retention obligations?


Are U.S. Records Retention Requirements on a Collision Course with the GDPR's 'Right to Erasure?' Image

Are U.S. Records Retention Requirements on a Collision Course with the GDPR's 'Right to Erasure?'

Stacey Garrett

U.S. laws require companies to retain records for years, and sometimes forever, and violating U.S. records retention laws can result in domestic fines and penalties. How can U.S. companies comply with the GDPR's “right to erasure” while still fulfilling their U.S. records retention obligations?


Supreme Court Eyes Relaxing Rule on Foreign Patent Damages Image

Supreme Court Eyes Relaxing Rule on Foreign Patent Damages

Scott Graham

<b><i>Despite Possibility of 'Chaos,' Presumption Against Extraterritorial Application May Give Way to Simple Proximate Cause Test, Justices Suggest</b></i><p>The U.S. Supreme Court seemed to be mulling a flexible test for foreign patent damages last month, with the categorical presumption against extraterritoriality taking a back seat.


Brexit and IP: Finally Some Real News, and What It Means for Attorneys Image

Brexit and IP: Finally Some Real News, and What It Means for Attorneys

Mark Holah

Much has been written about what will happen to EU-wide IP rights after Brexit — and whether, and how, the protection given by those rights will be maintained in the UK. Finally, we have some clarity about what is going to happen.


China's Cybersecurity Law Isn't Just About Cybersecurity Image

China's Cybersecurity Law Isn't Just About Cybersecurity

Rhys Dipshan

The law — which includes data localization mandates, cybersecurity best practices, and data transfer restrictions — has similarities to other cyber laws such as the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). But in this case, it's also being used to police internet content and behavior.

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