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Unseen Champions: Hiring for Long-Term Success Image

Unseen Champions: Hiring for Long-Term Success

Corey Castillo

In the current talent war, many law firms are hunting for talent with a focus on traditional "industry experience" and prestigious educational backgrounds as familiar criteria in their candidate search process. But what if law firms are missing high value talent — on both the legal and administrative side — that may be right under their nose?


Legal Sales Strategies Image

Legal Sales Strategies

Eric Dewey

The "best choice" provider pitch may not be the optimal sales strategy. It's better to adjust to where the prospect is in their buying decision process — whether that means they are looking for providers, they are studying the situation, they already have counsel, or they have decided not to address the issue.


Are You Facing a Problem or a Crisis? Image

Are You Facing a Problem or a Crisis?

Elizabeth Lampert & Lara Cupit

Recognizing the many degrees of severity and activity levels is crucial when a matter presents itself. Is it time to go scorched earth or take it in stride and allow a situation to fizzle? When defining the spectrum from minor issue to crisis, it is vital to understand how a problem can become a crisis if left unattended or how jumping the gun and overreacting can be disastrous.


6 Steps to a Successful Business Development Plan Image

6 Steps to a Successful Business Development Plan

Melissa "Rogo" Rogozinski

Driving Growth Through Client Success and Thought Leadership Business development is a critical part of a law firm's growth strategy. It balances client success, competitive marketing and new acquisitions in order to sustain the firm's reputation as a high-quality service provider. It is the bridge between marketing and sales. Here are six steps to building a modern business development plan that is guaranteed to drive growth through client success and thought leadership.


The Care and Feeding of the Legal Client Image

The Care and Feeding of the Legal Client

Jaimie B. Field

Do your attorneys know the difference between a customer and a client? I have always defined the difference as a customer is someone who buys something from you once, while a client is someone who keeps coming back to you over and over again; mainly, since the legal industry is becoming more transactional daily. And that subtle difference is what makes a lawyer just a lawyer and one who becomes a rainmaker.


Redefining Attorney-Client Collaboration with Technology That Delivers Greater Value Image

Redefining Attorney-Client Collaboration with Technology That Delivers Greater Value

David Carns

If savvy law firm attorneys haven't done so yet, they should take this time to adjust their expectations and increase their comfort levels with new technologies, processes, and workflows. Going forward, their clients will expect the emphasis to be on relationships and outcomes, not billable hours.


What's the Difference Between a 'Customer' and a 'Client'? Image

What's the Difference Between a 'Customer' and a 'Client'?

Jaimie B. Field

a customer is someone who buys something from you once, while a client is someone who keeps coming back to you over and over again. And that subtle difference is what makes a lawyer just a lawyer and one who becomes a rainmaker.


Are Large Firm Rates Pushing Clients to Seek Other Alternatives? Image

Are Large Firm Rates Pushing Clients to Seek Other Alternatives?

Andrew Maloney

Firms have been especially deliberate during the pandemic to increase the number of touch points they have with existing business, deepening ties with their roster of current clients by referring matters across practices and rewarding partners for that kind of origination. But with marketing spend surging and clients increasingly willing to move work around, Big Law firms' incumbent advantage could begin to wane.


Experience Is Everything: Why Focusing On Client Experience is Critical and How to Get Started Image

Experience Is Everything: Why Focusing On Client Experience is Critical and How to Get Started

Kristen Dallman

In this marketplace, one thing is abundantly clear: To remain competitive, you must adapt. So how can you adapt in a way that meets the increased expectations of today's client? Focus on client experience.


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The Impact of Trust On Cooperation

Mike Whelan

a tendency to trust optimizes outcomes on average — but you have to think in individual transactions. Are lawyers too distrusting to make good decisions in those instances? This article explores the concept of trust, the impact of trust on cooperation, and whether lawyers have trust issues and what that means for them and for their clients.

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