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Law Firm Management


Maximizing Information Technology Return on Investment Image

Maximizing Information Technology Return on Investment

Edward Poll

No matter what the reason or replacement cycle, law firm computer technology should be a function of ROI. There is no one right or correct rate of return, but maximizing it is essential.



LAW FIRM MERGERS - PART 4: MAXIMIZE THE ROLLOUT! This is the final chapter on law firm mergers and the importance of early involvement by marketing leadership. What can you do to maximize the "rollout" which begins in earnest after the "launch" is over? It needs to identify what the marketplace really wants, and it delivers it. The launch is a press releasee. the rollout is the real meat and potatoes of merger marketing. It requires an…

LAW FIRM MERGERS - Part 2: Who Cares? Image

LAW FIRM MERGERS - Part 2: Who Cares?

LAW FIRM MERGERS - Part 2: Who Cares? This is the second in our series on Law Firm Mergers and the importance of integrating the marketing leadership from both firms as early in the process as possible. Since clients and internal stakeholders will be the most impacted, how should a firm get more people to care? Well, what do people care about? While marketing in a merger situation is not conceptually unique, it is exponentially more complicated…

LAW FIRM MERGERS - Part 1.: A Strategic Checklist Image

LAW FIRM MERGERS - Part 1.: A Strategic Checklist

allan colman, [email protected]

LAW FIRM MERGERS - Part 1 : A Strategic Checklist We are bringing back an earlier series on law firm mergers since the number of mergers jumped 65% in 2011, according to the American Lawyer. The focus will be on why most underachieving law firm mergers share one fundamental deficiency. Over the next several columns, I'll identify a checklist to be used by the negotiating partners and marketing leadership to deal with it. The failure to work…



Allan Colman,

AVOID CHAOS IN 2012 - Whether it's the Aztecs of yore or the renewed predictors of economic doom and gloom, is your firm ready to compete? Experence tells us that law firms can differentiate themselves from the pack and grow business if they: * Build with recent clients and leads; * Increase efficiency in pursuing and winning new engagements; * Stimulate more internal collaboration; * Advance client/prospect targeting; * Buildl the firm and practice area profile…


Time For a New Definition of Competence? Image

Time For a New Definition of Competence?

Phyllis Weiss Haserot

Does the innate need to appear "competent" help or hinder a professional's ability to develop business, develop future talent and give superior service to clients?


Marketing Change: Differentiation Amid Upheaval Image

Marketing Change: Differentiation Amid Upheaval

Timothy B. Corcoran

In-house counsel have, after years of grumbling, finally motivated law firms to act differently, putting client needs above the law firms' own arcane business models and billing policies. However, few law firm leaders view these changes as positive, so many do a poor job of promoting their enhanced capabilities as a competitive advantage.


Smartphones and the Future of Practicing Law Image

Smartphones and the Future of Practicing Law

Greg Sutphin

For attorneys and law firm marketers, the advent of smartphones means a new frontier for gathering information ' and a new competitive arena.


PR, Technology and Branding Image

PR, Technology and Branding

Jay Jaffe & Terry Isner

Most, if not all, law firms have a professional presence online these days, so that is no longer a key differentiator ' but what they do with these websites is. Smart firms are moving away from static text-only websites that look just like their competitors' websites and are rarely, if ever, updated with fresh content. And they're doing something else, too: focusing on branding.


Tweets, Apps, and Mobis, Oh My! Image

Tweets, Apps, and Mobis, Oh My!

Kimberly Alford Rice

Wow, what a year 2011 was. While the economy barely hung on for many law firms that had once seemed invincible, our legal marketing colleagues around the country were busy innovating to heights not seen before in our professional space. It is a great time to be engaged in marketing law firms, indeed.

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