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Law Firm Management


FTC Guidelines Fallout Image

FTC Guidelines Fallout

Jonathan Bick

The regulations that the Federal Trade Commission recently promulgated on product endorsements could result in injunctions for bloggers and advertisers, who could be ordered to reimburse consumers for financial losses stemming from product reviews that are considered inappropriate under the new guidance.


Movers & Shakers Image

Movers & Shakers

ALM Staff & Law Journal Newsletters

Who's doing what; who's going where.


Changing Aspects of Law Firm Partnerships Image

Changing Aspects of Law Firm Partnerships

Leslie D. Corwin

A discussion of mandatory retirement in law firms and the ADEA.


Law Departments Putting Cost-Cutting into Action Image

Law Departments Putting Cost-Cutting into Action

Gina Passarella

Cost-control methods in law departments are more than just talk as cost pressures are creating a fundamental shift in the management and operation of the departments and their interaction with outside counsel, results of a recent Hildebrandt International survey suggest.


Planning for a Successful 2010 Image

Planning for a Successful 2010

K. Jennie Kinnevy

As a participant in a law firm, you should be thinking about what you can do to contribute to the success of the firm on a frequent basis. Whether you are the managing partner, a practice group leader or an associate, your daily, weekly and monthly activities should contribute not only to your personal goals, but to the firm's goals as well. In addition, your goals should include those related to current clients, potential clients, marketing and firm administration. The following are some important goal-setting techniques and some examples you should keep in mind throughout the year, not only to make sure you are growing personally, but also to make sure you have contributed to the overall growth of the firm in a meaningful way.


Profitability Analysis: The First Steps Image

Profitability Analysis: The First Steps

Donald J. Kondub

If your firm has a number of legal departments, how does one determine the profitability (or economic contribution) of each? Delving further into a specific department, how do you measure the profitability of a practice area?


Project Management Software Empowers the Litigation Support Department Image

Project Management Software Empowers the Litigation Support Department

Laura Bandrowsky

The Practice Support Department has long recognized the importance of project management to promote cost-containment strategies and to ensure compliance with discovery requirements during the discovery phase of a litigation case. While the firm developed its own sophisticated project management database, the newly implemented iFramework software takes project management to a higher level.


Movers & Shakers Image

Movers & Shakers

ALM Staff & Law Journal Newsletters

Who's doing what; who's going where.


Movers & Shakers Image

Movers & Shakers

ALM Staff & Law Journal Newsletters

Who's doing what; who's going where.


The Sorcerer's Apprenticeship Image

The Sorcerer's Apprenticeship

Ida Abbott

Moving to an apprenticeship model holds great promise in helping young lawyers transition into practice and in helping firms show that their young associates can make valuable contributions to client service.

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