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Law Firm Management


Health Care Account Choices for Law Firms Image

Health Care Account Choices for Law Firms

Richard H. Stieglitz & Martin Arking

With the rising care of health costs, many law firms are finding it economically difficult to provide their employees with health insurance. One of the ways law firms are mitigating this issue is by offering health insurance plans with greater employee out-of-pocket expenses. Congress offers several types of tax-favored accounts that a law firm can provide to its employees that can be used to pay for these additional medical expenses. Each type of account comes with advantages and disadvantages, which are explored in this article.


Your People In the World Image

Your People In the World

Jonathan R. Fiske

The hazards of misunderstanding, always present in human communication, are multiplied in the intercultural environment, and manners, language and knowledge of geography are only parts of the problem. People need a framework for recognizing, collecting and applying what they will be learning throughout their careers in this new world.


Do Associates Still Care About Making Partner? Image

Do Associates Still Care About Making Partner?

Eric Seeger

Whether the frequent gripe is true that 'associates today don't want to work hard and pay their dues like we did,' what is certainly true is that a number of forces have conspired to make equity partnership less attainable and less desirable in many firms than it used to be. As the typical law firm career path becomes more fluid, less traditional and less predictable, law firm leaders and associates alike are struggling to come to terms with what the changes mean for recruiting, retention, professional development, promotion, capitalization, individual contribution and compensation, just to name a few of the many question marks.


Career Journal: When the Call Comes Image

Career Journal: When the Call Comes

Michael DeCosta

In 2008, despite some law firms feeling the brunt of the economic woes besieging the country, many are still in the hunt for marketing talent. It should come as no surprise that when you combine that temptation with the general dissatisfaction felt by most, you have so many willing to take the leap.



Allan Colman, the Closers Group,

IS DIVERSITY A PREFERENCE OR A VALUE ADDED? AS someone who has operated extensively on both the buyer and seller sides of the legal profession, I'm naturally prone to preaching the "understanding your client" doctrine as the key best practice for all marketing and business development efforts. While I've taken some pains, in this publication and elsewhere,to define what "understanding your client" actually means, it is important to remind ourselves that the process of getting…


On the Move Image

On the Move

ALM Staff & Law Journal Newsletters

Who's doing what; who's going where.


How to Tailor a Partner Scorecard To Your Individual Firm's Goals Image

How to Tailor a Partner Scorecard To Your Individual Firm's Goals

K. Jennie Kinnevy

Last month, we reviewed what a partner scorecard is and why keeping score is important. This month we review how to tailor a scorecard to your individual firm's goals.


Law Firm Management Is Cash Management Image

Law Firm Management Is Cash Management

Phillip A. Bottari & Robin L. Mayer

Money. Every firm has it. But unfortunately, some people want to take what doesn't belong to them, and they may seek out ways to target your firm's cash. The elements of motive, opportunity and rationalization are present in nearly every scheme. Eliminating or mitigating any of these factors will make it more difficult for a fraudster to target your firm. In a tightening economy, it is more crucial than ever that you remain diligent about protecting assets. The identification, implementation and testing of internal controls over cash receipts and disbursements is a critical step, because even small dollar amounts taken over months or years can add up and entangle your firm in a costly situation.



Allan Colman, the Closers Group,

(ALMOST) INVISIBLE MARKETING III. This third in a series of Invisible Marketing tactics presents two approaches which are not quite "invisible," but are often overlooked by attorneys. The first is: DURING SPEECHES, HAVE OTHER FIRM MEMBERS IN THE AUDIENCE WORKING THE CROWD. Make sure you introduce your colleagues from the podium and indicate that they and you are availble to answer questions, send featured articles, discuss opportunities, etc. You are there to do more than "educate;"…


Developing a Partner Scorecard That Is Meaningful to Your Firm Image

Developing a Partner Scorecard That Is Meaningful to Your Firm

K. Jennie Kinnevy

This article is the first in a series about developing a customized scorecard for your firm's partners, specific information to include in the scorecard, tailoring it to your firm's goals, and getting partners to understand the scorecard and achieve greater success.

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