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Law Firm Management


Legal Sales Strategies Image

Legal Sales Strategies

Eric Dewey

The "best choice" provider pitch may not be the optimal sales strategy. It's better to adjust to where the prospect is in their buying decision process — whether that means they are looking for providers, they are studying the situation, they already have counsel, or they have decided not to address the issue.


The Four Legal Sales Strategies Image

The Four Legal Sales Strategies

Eric Dewey

The 'best choice' provider pitch may not be the optimal sales strategy. It's better to adjust to where the prospect is in their buying decision process — whether that means they are looking for providers, they are studying the situation, they already have counsel, or they have decided not to address the issue.


How to Build a Successful Business Development Plan Image

How to Build a Successful Business Development Plan

Melissa "Rogo" Rogozinski

Driving Growth Through Client Success and Thought Leadership Business development is a critical part of a law firm's growth strategy. It balances client success, competitive marketing and new acquisitions in order to sustain the firm's reputation as a high-quality service provider. It is the bridge between marketing and sales. Here are six steps to building a modern business development plan that is guaranteed to drive growth through client success and thought leadership.


Time Well Spent: Make Meetings Valuable Image

Time Well Spent: Make Meetings Valuable

Sharon Meit Abrahams

"Ugh, not another meeting!" Do you hear this from your colleagues and direct reports? If so, you should turn your meetings from a waste of time to a value-added use of time. We know meetings are important. They increase collaboration, set accountability, and create a shared sense of purpose and progress — all important elements of a happy, successful workplace.


Midlevel Survey Shows What Law Firms Are Getting Right — and Wrong Image

Midlevel Survey Shows What Law Firms Are Getting Right — and Wrong

Dan Roe

Midlevel associates aren't less willing than their predecessors to do the brain-bending amount of work. It's that after two years of billing massive hours through an isolating global pandemic, they're completely disloyal to the status quo. They kept firms going, they made partners rich, and now they plan to reshape the profession in their image.


Are You Facing a Problem or a Crisis? Image

Are You Facing a Problem or a Crisis?

Elizabeth Lampert & Lara Cupit

Recognizing the many degrees of severity and activity levels is crucial when a matter presents itself. Is it time to go scorched earth or take it in stride and allow a situation to fizzle? When defining the spectrum from minor issue to crisis, it is vital to understand how a problem can become a crisis if left unattended or how jumping the gun and overreacting can be disastrous.


Law Firms May Make 'Course Corrections' to Battle Inflation Image

Law Firms May Make 'Course Corrections' to Battle Inflation

Andrew Maloney

If inflation remains at current levels, law firm billing rate increases won't be able to keep pace. But firm leaders may make other "course corrections" to capture profits through the end of 2022, analysts say, by utilizing leverage and alternative pricing models and making additional investments in technology.


Great Marketing Initiatives Happening Now Image

Great Marketing Initiatives Happening Now

Stacy West Clark

Some great marketing initiatives happening in law firms around the country — as well as some recommendations.


Tips to Minimize Malpractice Claims Image

Tips to Minimize Malpractice Claims

Michael R. McAndrew

So long as humans are practicing law, mistakes will happen; but well prepared attorneys are proactive and take the affirmative steps to put themselves in a position to minimize the danger to the client and the case.


6 Steps to a Successful Business Development Plan Image

6 Steps to a Successful Business Development Plan

Melissa "Rogo" Rogozinski

Driving Growth Through Client Success and Thought Leadership Business development is a critical part of a law firm's growth strategy. It balances client success, competitive marketing and new acquisitions in order to sustain the firm's reputation as a high-quality service provider. It is the bridge between marketing and sales. Here are six steps to building a modern business development plan that is guaranteed to drive growth through client success and thought leadership.

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