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Law Firm Management


Ensure Financial Health Ahead of an Economic Downturn Image

Ensure Financial Health Ahead of an Economic Downturn

Derek F. Meek & Hanna Lahr

Proper planning is key to ensuring a company's financial health when facing an economic downturn. Although companies will come into such planning with different levels of financial health, the same considerations can be helpful in determining the best path forward.


Aligning with Client Expectations Image

Aligning with Client Expectations

Vivian Hood & Terry M. Isner

We're well into 2022, and despite the flip of the calendar, COVID is still sweeping the U.S., it feels like not much has changed. Or has it?


Do a Lateral's Clients Move With Them? Image

Do a Lateral's Clients Move With Them?

Eric Dewey

There is no way to guarantee a lateral's clients will make the move to a new firm. But a series of questions can examine the quality of these relationships and the likelihood that the client will move with the lateral candidate.


Law Firm Profits Soared In 2021, Despite Increased Expenses Image

Law Firm Profits Soared In 2021, Despite Increased Expenses

By Gretta Rusanow, Gloria Gomez & Scott Kesselman

Strong demand growth led to a war for talent, but it was also a major driver of the industry average double-digit revenue growth seen in 2021.


Are Lawyers Packing More Billables Into Less Time? Image

Are Lawyers Packing More Billables Into Less Time?

Andrew Maloney

Are lawyers working harder than ever? Recent figures in the legal industry show only a slight increase last year in the number of average hours billed per lawyer. Yet analysts and firm leaders say the total amount of hours worked — not just billed — is likely higher,


The Rise of Innovation In a Hyper-Competitive Market for Legal Talent Image

The Rise of Innovation In a Hyper-Competitive Market for Legal Talent

Ari Kaplan

The results of interviewing 30 chief talent officers along with directors and managers of recruiting reveal the impact of the pandemic on entry-level and lateral hiring, the appetite for leveraging technology to address the rapid acceleration in on-campus interviewing and lateral recruitment, and the increased focus on innovation to fuel law firm success.


Is Sales Enablement The Next Big Thing In Legal Services? Image

Is Sales Enablement The Next Big Thing In Legal Services?

Eric Dewey

Law firms can look to a growing trend, however, among their corporate brethren as a model to solve the business development training challenge. It's called Sales Enablement.


10 Steps to Realigning Sales, Marketing and Tech Image

10 Steps to Realigning Sales, Marketing and Tech

Melissa "Rogo" Rogozinski

If you want to want to drive real revenue growth in an environment manipulated by a global pandemic, then you must find new ways to think about, study and prepare to meet the needs of the new legal services buyer.


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Innovation In the Recruitment of Lawyers In a Hyper-Competitive Market

Ari Kaplan

The results of interviews across a cross section of professionals making decisions about hiring, development, and promotion in AmLaw 100 firms reveal the impact of the pandemic.


Tax Implications of Budget Reconciliation Bill Image

Tax Implications of Budget Reconciliation Bill

Lawrence L. Bell

Part Two of a Two-Part Article This installment discusses how to use benefit laws that have been on the books for over 30 years to fund not only death benefits but also alternatives to deferred compensation for business and estate planning purposes for pass-through entities.

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