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Law Firm Management


Who Benefits, and Who Doesn't, from Returning to the Office Image

Who Benefits, and Who Doesn't, from Returning to the Office

Patrick Smith

When the pandemic sent everyone home in March 2020, it was a seismic shift in work, but one that had a clear reasoning behind it, and, oddly, was remarkably uniform in execution for all involved. The return to the office is much more complicated, and it isn't just about logistics.


'Staying Bonuses' Can Help Keep Associates, But More than Cash Is Needed Image

'Staying Bonuses' Can Help Keep Associates, But More than Cash Is Needed

Andrew Maloney

While bonuses have kept some associates from moving to midsize firm competitors or outside Big Law entirely, large firms must also be more creative and holistic in the long run to retain top associates when the barriers between home and work life are eroding.


Is Your Firm Prepared for the 'Silver Tsunami'? Image

Is Your Firm Prepared for the 'Silver Tsunami'?

J. Mark Santiago 

A Silver Tsunami of aging partners is threatening the legal profession. There's a way to higher ground.


What In-House Counsel Need from Outside Counsel As Pandemic Landscape Shifts Image

What In-House Counsel Need from Outside Counsel As Pandemic Landscape Shifts

Jennifer Simpson Carr

The global COVID-19 pandemic forced lawyers — individuals whose relationships formerly depended upon firm handshakes and looking their clients directly in the eye — to build client trust through a tiny camera lens. Here's a Q&A with GCs to discuss what matters most to their companies when hiring outside counsel.


Five Critical Elements of Business Development Success Image

Five Critical Elements of Business Development Success

Aaron Y. Strauss

While acquiring the skills necessary to develop business is certainly a life-long journey, here are five critical elements to consider from the outset.


Building Successful Partnerships Requires Collaboration Image

Building Successful Partnerships Requires Collaboration

DeWitt A. Sullivan

Partnerships are relationships, ideally relationships built on trust and a common goal. Successful partnerships require all parties working together — working together to service a client fully, generate revenue and to build a business. This requires openness and coordination.


Law Firms Try to Hold On to 2020 Savings Image

Law Firms Try to Hold On to 2020 Savings

Andrew Maloney

A once-in-a-lifetime pandemic caused once-in-a-lifetime expense reductions that could forever alter the business of law. After those cost savings fueled double-digit profit growth for many firms in 2020, don't be surprised if Big Law leaders try to make some of those gains stick.


Utilizing Accountability Partners to Build Business Image

Utilizing Accountability Partners to Build Business

Randi Rosenblatt

Attorneys can utilize accountability partners to fuel the advances one truly wants to make in their efforts to build books of business.


Scorecards and Client Book Due Diligence Can Improve Lateral Hiring Performance Image

Scorecards and Client Book Due Diligence Can Improve Lateral Hiring Performance

Eric Dewey

The lateral partner challenge is, essentially, a vetting challenge. And yet, few law firms take a strategic approach to vetting and hiring laterals.


Pandemic Drives Law Firms and Clients to Common Ground on Pricing Image

Pandemic Drives Law Firms and Clients to Common Ground on Pricing

Dan Packel

The current circumstances are giving rise to conversations about pricing, and driving both sides of the law firm-client relationship to seek common ground — both in the form of tried-and-true alternative fee arrangements and those that reflect a more innovative approach.

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