What Law Firms Can Learn from The Ninth Annual Law Department Operations Survey
Over the last few years, the legal operation managers' role has flourished, growing from a profession in its infancy into an unruly teenager, far more mature but with substantial areas poised for development. Now, more than ever, law departments are focused on implementing programs and structures to improve their financial management and deliver value.
Is Your Data Breach Response Plan Good Enough? Stress Test It!
As the chances of a data breach incident increase, savvy firms and businesses have invested time and thought in a response plan. But plans never survive first contact with the enemy. Stress test your incident response plan to find and resolve its weaknesses while time is on your side.
Recent Developments in the Section 956 Deemed Dividend Rules<br></font>
<i><b>How to Avoid the Tax Pitfalls of 26 U.S.C. §956 when Negotiating Lending Transactions for Clients with Foreign Country Operations</i></b><p>A popular conduit for operating in a foreign country is a controlled foreign corporation (CFC). In 2012, U.S.-controlled foreign corporation earnings topped $793 billion as the world economy became increasingly interconnected. See, IRS, Statistics of Income. How does the aforementioned trend impact the legal profession?
Review Marketing Becomes Top Priority for 2017
For many CMOs, the top priority for 2017 will be review marketing. Many law firms are still coming to grips with the reality that client reviews about them are online everywhere. But now, a turning point has been reached so that they can no longer be ignored.
<i>Sales Speak</i><br>Business Development Best Practices: Client Teams
All about Client Teams and how to make them work to your advantage.
<font size="-1"><i>At the Intersection</i></font><br>Lawyers Are Ignoring A Vital Business Development Tool
When we teach and discuss Legal Project Management (LPM), we stress that the last of LPM's five basic steps, Post Project Review, not only is every bit as essential as the first four steps, it can be an extraordinarily powerful business development lever, as well.
The Evolution of the 'Virtual Law Firm'
<b><i>Though “Virtual Firms” Are on the Decline, Cloud Technology May Be Shifting the Model to Refocus on Lawyer Mobility</i></b><p>While the "virtual lawyer" may be on the decline, the technology making law practices more portable and potentially more efficient has seen a surge. The rise of cloud computing in particular has made it possible for attorneys to keep all the technology tools they need to practice on hand at all times and eschew direct client contact and office space if so desired.
How to Conduct Internal Investigations Efficiently and Effectively<br><i><font size="-1">A Roundtable Discussion</i></font>
Internal investigations are becoming increasingly common in the modern workplace. But how, exactly, can companies conduct investigations efficiently and effectively, while still protecting innocent employees?
Optimizing Your Legal Career<br><i><font size="-1">The Role of Professional Recruiters</font></i>
Ongoing, active management of your legal career is essential. As such, every successful law firm partner should develop a long-term exclusive relationship with a top-notch, knowledgeable recruiter.
Richest Firms Pulled Ahead in 2016 as Some Regions Struggled
The top performing law firms continued to pull away from the rest of the Am Law 200 last year, according to a report released on January 23 by Wells Fargo Private Bank's Legal Specialty Group. Meanwhile certain regions, including the mid-Atlantic states, struggled to achieve even modest revenue growth.
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- Strategy vs. Tactics: Two Sides of a Difficult CoinWith each successive large-scale cyber attack, it is slowly becoming clear that ransomware attacks are targeting the critical infrastructure of the most powerful country on the planet. Understanding the strategy, and tactics of our opponents, as well as the strategy and the tactics we implement as a response are vital to victory.Read More ›
- What Not to Do in a Hostile Work Environment CaseA recent decision, <i>Boggs v. Die Fliedermaus, d/b/a Le Bar Bat</i>, 2003 WL 22299315 (S.D.N.Y. 10/07/03) (Sweet, D. J.), offers many lessons for employers about what to do, and not to do, to position themselves for a successful summary judgment motion in a hostile work environment case.Read More ›
- Major Differences In UK, U.S. Copyright LawsThis article highlights how copyright law in the United Kingdom differs from U.S. copyright law, and points out differences that may be crucial to entertainment and media businesses familiar with U.S law that are interested in operating in the United Kingdom or under UK law. The article also briefly addresses contrasts in UK and U.S. trademark law.Read More ›