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If I Told You Once, Is That Enough?<i>Follow, Follow, Follow-up</i> Image

If I Told You Once, Is That Enough?<i>Follow, Follow, Follow-up</i>

Bruce W. Marcus

The idea is to keep in touch with the prospect ' to keep your name and service very much in the forefront of his or her mind without being counterproductive. How counterproductive? By being a nuisance. By calling too often. By pressing too hard. What does that leave?

If I Told You Once, Is That Enough?<i>Follow, Follow, Follow-up</i> Image

If I Told You Once, Is That Enough?<i>Follow, Follow, Follow-up</i>

Bruce W. Marcus

Okay, so you sent the prospect a letter. Or you had a great meeting. Or the prospect came to a seminar. And nothing happened. You've learned the basic lesson. An initial contact, no matter how friendly, is not a marriage vow. The follow-up is necessary. The fact is that in professional services marketing you've got a few distinctive things working. The prospect may like you, but doesn't need your services at this moment. The prospect is not in&#133;

How to Start A Practice <i>What Do I Do Next?</i> Image

How to Start A Practice <i>What Do I Do Next?</i>

Bruce W. Marcus

Every legal and accounting publication ' in hard copy or on the Internet ' is loaded with advice about how to start a practice. But what seems to be missing is realistic guidance on the practice ' the practice, not the theory ' of practice development: Not what you should do, but what you could do.



Bruce W. Marcus

When You Learn How To Lead Me There Gerry Riskin, who is undoubtedly one of the anointed few among clear thinkers, recently sent out a small video ( of Tom Peters on the subject of leadership. It was an important piece, and certainly worth the few moments it takes to view it. '



Bruce W. Marcus

When You Learn How To Lead Me There Gerry Riskin, who is undoubtedly one of the anointed few among clear thinkers, recently sent out a small video ( of Tom Peters on the subject of leadership. It was an important piece, and certainly worth the few moments it takes to view it. &#133;



Bruce W. Marcus

When You Learn How To Lead Me There Gerry Riskin, who is undoubtedly one of the anointed few among clear thinkers, recently sent out a small video ( of Tom Peters on the subject of leadership. It was an important piece, and certainly worth the few moments it takes to view it. &#133;

Spinning Out of Control<i>When Bad Things Happen to Good Marketers</i> Image

Spinning Out of Control<i>When Bad Things Happen to Good Marketers</i>

Bruce W. Marcus

Every election campaign produces, among other things, media myths and bad language. During the elections of the last decade, the language was infected by a new myth called spin control. The phrase, which broke a speed record in becoming a clich' after the 1988 election, implies that a good media relations practitioner can control the nature and texture of a story in the press ' can put the right spin on it to get the journalist to tell it the spinner's way.

Spinning Out of Control<i>When Bad Things Happen to Good Marketers</i> Image

Spinning Out of Control<i>When Bad Things Happen to Good Marketers</i>

Bruce W. Marcus

Every election campaign produces, among other things, media myths and bad language. During the elections of the last decade, the language was infected by a new myth called spin control. The phrase, which broke a speed record in becoming a clich' after the 1988 election, implies that a good media relations practitioner can control the nature and texture of a story in the press ' can put the right spin on it to get the journalist to tell it the spinner's way.

Spinning Out of Control<i>When Bad Things Happen to Good Marketers</i> Image

Spinning Out of Control<i>When Bad Things Happen to Good Marketers</i>

Bruce W. Marcus

Every election campaign produces, among other things, media myths and bad language. During the elections of the last decade, the language was infected by a new myth called spin control. The phrase, which broke a speed record in becoming a clich' after the 1988 election, implies that a good media relations practitioner can control the nature and texture of a story in the press ' can put the right spin on it to get the journalist to tell it the spinner's way.

Spinning Out of Control<i>When Bad Things Happen to Good Marketers</i> Image

Spinning Out of Control<i>When Bad Things Happen to Good Marketers</i>

Bruce W. Marcus

Every election campaign produces, among other things, media myths and bad language. During the elections of the last decade, the language was infected by a new myth called spin control. The phrase, which broke a speed record in becoming a clich' after the 1988 election, implies that a good media relations practitioner can control the nature and texture of a story in the press ' can put the right spin on it to get the journalist to tell it the spinner's way.

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