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Developments of Note Image

Developments of Note

Julian S. Millstein, Edward A. Pisacreta & Jeffrey D. Neuburger

Recent developments in e-commerce law and in the e-commerce industry.

e-Commerce Docket Sheet Image

e-Commerce Docket Sheet

Julian S. Millstein, Edward A. Pisacreta & Jeffrey D. Neuburger

Recent court rulings in e-commerce.

Dragnet On the Internet Image

Dragnet On the Internet

Danielle N. Rodier

This article sheds some light on how investigators in one large U.S. city are using technology to fight e-commerce crime.


Taxing The Sale Of Digital Goods In Europe Image

Taxing The Sale Of Digital Goods In Europe

William C. Hwang & Jacqueline Klosek

On July 1, new legislation concerning the application of value-added tax (VAT) to sales of digital goods within the European Union became effective. While the legislation is European, it will have important implications for companies based outside of the EU to the extent that such companies sell digital goods to consumers based in one of the EU countries.

The Importance Of Encryption ' and Planning Image

The Importance Of Encryption ' and Planning

D. Reed Freeman Jr.

The impact of California's new security breach disclosure law ' which requires state agencies and businesses that conduct commerce in California to notify California residents that certain circumstances ' is being carefully monitored by boards of directors, legislators, regulators and other concerned parties nationwide.


National Litigation Hotline Image

National Litigation Hotline

ALM Staff & Law Journal Newsletters

Cases of importance to your practice.


Recent Developments from Around the States Image

Recent Developments from Around the States

ALM Staff & Law Journal Newsletters

National cases of interest to you and your practice.

The <i>Horn</i> Decision: Significant Victory for Employers Image

The <i>Horn</i> Decision: Significant Victory for Employers

Robert P. Lewis & J. Carlos Real

New York's Court of Appeals recently issued an important decision in which it declined to expand the narrow exception to the 'at-will' employment doctrine enunciated in <i>Wieder v. Skala</i> for attorneys to physicians employed by non-medical employers. The court's decision in <i>Horn</i>, however, arguably is limited to that particular class of physicians whose duties are not limited to providing medical treatment, but include non-medical-related management responsibilities as well. Consequently, the court will likely be faced with future attempts by professionals, including physicians employed by medical employers, to expand the Wieder doctrine to them.


Understanding the ADA's 'Reassignment' Obligation Image

Understanding the ADA's 'Reassignment' Obligation

David K. Fram

One of the most controversial questions since the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) has been whether an employer must reassign an employee who can no longer perform his or her job because of a disability. After years of conflicting decisions and arguments, the answer is now easy ' yes.


Who Will Run Your Franchised Hotel? Image

Who Will Run Your Franchised Hotel?

Charles B. Cannon

Management agreements provide the vehicle through which investors in hotels, restaurants, and other commercial properties engage professional managers to operate their properties. The practice began in the lodging industry after the end of World War II when hotel construction boomed in response to demand from middle-class American families for clean, moderately priced travel accommodations ' the same demand that spawned the Holiday Inn chain and other lodging industry franchises. Investors with no experience in hotel management fueled the boom in hotel construction with their capital, but professional managers generated the returns on investment the investors craved.

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