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Litigating Awareness: Non-Economic Damages and the Unconscious Plaintiff Image

Litigating Awareness: Non-Economic Damages and the Unconscious Plaintiff

Roseann Lynn Brenner & Gary M. Every

In most medical negligence cases, the most difficult damages for an attorney to forecast are non-economic ones such as pain and suffering, and loss of enjoyment of life. This difficulty arises from the nature of the damages themselves ' pain, suffering and enjoyment are inherently subjective experiences.


Surviving the Medical Malpractice Claim Image

Surviving the Medical Malpractice Claim

Kevin M. Quinley

Successful defense of a medical malpractice case is a team effort. While the defendant physician is the focal point, a key team member is the defense attorney who will defend the physician and the standard of care exhibited in the case.


Limiting Internet Medical Malpractice Liability Image

Limiting Internet Medical Malpractice Liability

Jonathan Bick

Medical practices use the Internet for posting physicians' biographical information, linking websites featuring medical information and hosting medical question-and-answer blogs, among others. However, even this type of interaction with a health-care provider can lead to a medical malpractice lawsuit.

Columns & Departments

Med Mal News Image

Med Mal News

ALM Staff & Law Journal Newsletters &

A look at recent rulings of interest.

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Verdicts Image


ALM Staff & Law Journal Newsletters &

Analysis of recent litigation.

Columns & Departments

Med Mal News Image

Med Mal News

ALM Staff & Law Journal Newsletters &

In-depth analysis of a recent ruling in New Jersey.


Electronic Health Records Image

Electronic Health Records

Linda S. Crawford

Patients who remain in an integrated Electronic Health Record (EHR) system benefit from better access to integrated medical information across specialties and locations. However, full benefits are not seen in all cases where such systems have been implemented. What might be causing the problem?


Florida's Statutory Cap on Non-Economic Damages Deemed Unconstitutional Image

Florida's Statutory Cap on Non-Economic Damages Deemed Unconstitutional

Michael D. Brophy

Two years passed from the time the Florida Supreme Court heard oral arguments in <I>Estate of McCall v. United States of America</I> until announcement of its decision on March 13, 2014. The constitutionality of limits on medical malpractice awards, one of the benchmarks of conservative tort reform, had divided state and federal courts across the country.

Destroying Evidence? Image

Destroying Evidence?

Gabriel Z. Reynoso

This may come as a surprise, but neither the California Civil Discovery Act nor any case law interpreting the same specifically prohibits the intentional destruction of evidence prior to a lawsuit being filed ' regardless of whether such litigation is being contemplated or even probable.

Columns & Departments

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Drug & Device News

ALM Staff & Law Journal Newsletters &

Discussion of several key news items of importance to legal practitioners.

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