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Standard Defense in Obstetrical Malpractice Cases Invalid Image

Standard Defense in Obstetrical Malpractice Cases Invalid

John Caher

In what may be a national first, an appellate panel in Rochester, NY, has rejected as scientifically invalid a standard defense in obstetrical medical malpractice cases.


Shoulder Dystocia and the Duty of Informed Consent Image

Shoulder Dystocia and the Duty of Informed Consent

John Ratkowitz

Obstetricians should examine their states' legal requirements about informed consent when making decisions about when to speak to patients about planned cesarean delivery in the face of evidence suggesting an increased risk of shoulder dystocia during delivery.


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Med Mal News

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An item of interest.


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The Unique and Crucial Role of the Non-Party Physician Image

The Unique and Crucial Role of the Non-Party Physician

John L.A. Lyddane & Barbara D. Goldberg

Physicians who have treated a plaintiff before ' during or after the treatment at issue ' often have a unique perspective that can be helpful at trial to the finder of fact. How can such physicians be identified, interviewed, and brought to the assistance of the litigants in their search for the truth?

Third Circuit: NJ Charitable Immunity Act Protects U.S. in Med-Mal Litigation Image

Third Circuit: NJ Charitable Immunity Act Protects U.S. in Med-Mal Litigation

David Gialanella

In a case of first impression, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals says the federal government enjoys the same protection of state charitable immunity law that applies to volunteer doctors who are deemed to be U.S. Department of Health and Human Services employees.

Limiting Windfall Damages Image

Limiting Windfall Damages

David Axelrad & Robert Wright

<i>Howell</i> was one of 2011's most important damages cases. It will have a significant impact on personal injury damages in California and may offer a model for challenging windfall damages in other states.

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