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Mandatory Binding Arbitration Image

Mandatory Binding Arbitration

Carrie N. Lowe

In the medical malpractice arena, the decision whether or not to arbitrate a case is an important one. Going through the arbitration process and allowing the case to be determined by an arbitrator or an arbitration panel, rather than trying the case and allowing the outcome to be determined by a civil jury, can have advantages and disadvantages to both the physician and the patient.

Pharmaceutical Products and Suicide Risks Image

Pharmaceutical Products and Suicide Risks

Janice G. Inman

Does the increased scrutiny on drug products for evidence that they cause suicidal thoughts mean that suits seeking damages for such thoughts in drug consumers have a better chance at success? An in-depth discussion.


Problems with Causation Testimony Image

Problems with Causation Testimony

Eric J. Frisch

Recently, the Georgia Court of Appeals affirmed a directed verdict based on <i>Daubert</i> principles in a shoulder dystocia case. The court reasoned that the expert's testimony was 'unreliable' because of improper use of the 'differential diagnosis' method and the fact that he made unsupported leaps from assumed facts to conclusions without evidentiary or medical/scientific support. Here's an analysis of the court's thinking.


<B>BREAKING NEWS:</b> Merck Wins Big Image

<B>BREAKING NEWS:</b> Merck Wins Big

ALM Staff & Law Journal Newsletters &

In a stunning turnaround today, separate appeals courts in New Jersey and Texas reversed verdicts against Merck from some of the earliest trials involving the now-withdrawn painkiller Vioxx.

Movers & Shakers Image

Movers & Shakers

ALM Staff & Law Journal Newsletters &

Who's doing what; who's going where.

Verdicts Image


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Recent rulings of interest to you and your practice.


Drug & Device News Image

Drug & Device News

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The latest happenings for your review.


Med Mal News Image

Med Mal News

ALM Staff & Law Journal Newsletters &

Recent items of interest.

One Vaccine-Caused Autism Claim to Be Paid Image

One Vaccine-Caused Autism Claim to Be Paid

Janice G. Inman

The parents of the approximately 5,000 children who developed autism symptoms following vaccination who currently have claims filed with the government seeking compensation were given an unexpected shot of hope in March by the news that the government had agreed to compensate one child for vaccine-related onset of autism symptoms.

Mediating with Insurance Companies Image

Mediating with Insurance Companies

Peter Scarpato

In mediations involving insurers, lawyers and mediators need answers to unique questions: What kind of insurance exists? Why was it obtained? Do parties perceive it as a 'blank check'? How and when does the topic of insurance come up and who raises it (parties or mediators)? Does it raise unique issues, such as multiple representation, confidentiality and conflicts of interest?

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