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Sending Out an SAS: Analyzing the <i>SAS Institute Inc. v. Iancu</i> Decision Image

Sending Out an SAS: Analyzing the <i>SAS Institute Inc. v. Iancu</i> Decision

Richard Hung & Rachel Silverman Dolphin

In a 5-4 decision, with four justices dissenting, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the Patent Trial and Appeal Board's practice of instituting review on only a subset of an <i>inter partes</i> review (IPR) petitioner's validity challenges.


Supreme Court Gives <i>Inter Partes</i> Review the Green Light Image

Supreme Court Gives <i>Inter Partes</i> Review the Green Light

Athul K. Acharya

<b><i>Oil States Energy Services v. Greene's Energy Group</b></i><p>Is <i>inter partes</i> review of a patent grant compatible with Article III and the Seventh Amendment? That was the question presented in <i>Oil States Energy Services v. Greene's Energy Group</i> and the U.S. Supreme Court answered in the affirmative.

Columns & Departments

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IP News

Howard Shire & Adam B. Fischer

Federal Circuit Holds USPTO Can Defend PTAB Decision After Original Petitioner Drops Out<br>Federal Circuit Says <i>Alice</i> Not Intervening Change


Federal Circuit Reinstates Oracle's Copyright Infringement Claims Against Google, Rejecting Fair Use Defense Image

Federal Circuit Reinstates Oracle's Copyright Infringement Claims Against Google, Rejecting Fair Use Defense

Nathan D. Renov

On March 27, 2018, in <i>Oracle America, Inc. v. Google LLC</i>, the Federal Circuit overturned a jury verdict in favor of Google from the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California. In doing so, the court revived Oracle's claim that Google's use of Oracle's open-source Java language code did not constitute “fair use.”


Supreme Court Eyes Relaxing Rule on Foreign Patent Damages Image

Supreme Court Eyes Relaxing Rule on Foreign Patent Damages

Scott Graham

<b><i>Despite Possibility of 'Chaos,' Presumption Against Extraterritorial Application May Give Way to Simple Proximate Cause Test, Justices Suggest</b></i><p>The U.S. Supreme Court seemed to be mulling a flexible test for foreign patent damages last month, with the categorical presumption against extraterritoriality taking a back seat.

Columns & Departments

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IP News

Jeff Ginsberg & Dorothy LeRay

Federal Circuit Affirms Dismissal of Declaratory-Judgment Action Based Under Rule Against Piecemeal Adjudication<br>Federal Circuit Affirms Non-Infringement Finding Despite Defendant's Discovery Violation


A Reasonable Royalty Rate Must Be Tied to Facts Image

A Reasonable Royalty Rate Must Be Tied to Facts

Matthew Siegal

<b><i>Exmark Manufacturing Company Inc. v. Briggs &amp; Stratton Power Products Group, LLC</b></i><p>The rate of the reasonable royalty awarded to a successful patent plaintiff must be based on the facts of the case. A damages expert cannot merely pay lip service to the <i>Georgia-Pacific</i> factors and then “pluck” a royalty rate from thin air.

Columns & Departments

IP News Image

IP News

Howard Shire & Michael Block

Claim Preclusion Requires Analysis that Claims in Newly Asserted Patents are Patently Indistinct from Claims in Previously Adjudicated Patents<br>Claim Elements Taught by Prior Art for Purposes of Novelty and Obviousness are not Necessarily 'Well-Understood, Routine, and Conventional' Under §101


Will the Supreme Court Seismically Shift the Patent Damages Landscape in <i>WesternGeco v. ION</i>? Image

Will the Supreme Court Seismically Shift the Patent Damages Landscape in <i>WesternGeco v. ION</i>?

Morgan Chu & Dominik Slusarczyk

The U.S. Supreme Court recently agreed to consider whether a patentee may recover foreign lost profits resulting from infringement of a United States patent.


Even the Value of the Smallest Salable Unit Must Be Apportioned Image

Even the Value of the Smallest Salable Unit Must Be Apportioned

Matthew Siegal

<i><b>Finjan, Inc. v. Blue Coat Sys., Inc.</b></i><p>The Federal Circuit ruled that basing a reasonable royalty calculation on the “smallest salable unit” does not obviate the need to apportion damages to the patented contribution within that unit.

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