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PTO Gives Iancu More Control over PTAB Precedents Image

PTO Gives Iancu More Control over PTAB Precedents

Scott Graham

The USPTO announced revisions to PTAB procedures that formalize Andrei Iancu's control over the 250 administrative patent judges and their policy-making, while making that control more transparent.

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IP News

Howard Shire & Adam Fischer

Federal Circuit: IPR Petitioner Always Retains Burden of Establishing Timeliness<br>Federal Circuit: Framework for 'Overlapping Cases' Applies in IPR


The Price to Pay for De Novo Review of PTO Decisions Image

The Price to Pay for De Novo Review of PTO Decisions

Jonathan Moskin

<b><i>NantKwest v Iancu</b></i><p>The Federal Circuit sitting <i>en banc</i> reversed its own prior ruling and held that “all expenses of the proceeding” does not include attorneys' fees.

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IP News

Jeffrey S. Ginsberg & Abhishek Bapna

Federal Circuit Remands for Further Proceedings to Determine Whether RPX's Petitions for IPR Were Time Barred For Failing to Identify Its Client As a 'Real Party in Interest'<br>Federal Circuit Holds that Common Law Tribal Sovereign Immunity Cannot Shield a Patent in IPR Proceedings,br&gt;Federal Circuit Holds that an Unsuccessful IPR Petitioner Must Show 'Concrete Plans' for Future Potentially-Infringing Activity in Order to Demonstrate Article III Standing to Appeal PTAB's IPR Decision


How Disney Qualified for Design Patent for Marvel's Captain America Shield Image

How Disney Qualified for Design Patent for Marvel's Captain America Shield

Lawrence E. Ashery

Fans of movies about fictional superheroes are probably familiar with Captain America and his miraculous shield. Recently, however, his shield showed up in a most unlikely place: the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).


Foreign Lost Profits Recoverable for Patent Damages Image

Foreign Lost Profits Recoverable for Patent Damages

Elizabeth B. Hagan

The U.S. Supreme Court recently held that a patent owner may recover lost foreign profits for infringement under 35 U.S.C. §271(f)(2). The holding in <i>WesternGeco LLC v. ION Geophysical</i> rejects the Federal Circuit's categorical exclusion of lost profits damages for foreign sales, and expands the potential for increased damages from domestic competitors operating in foreign markets.


Supreme Court to Review Post-AIA On-Sale Bar Image

Supreme Court to Review Post-AIA On-Sale Bar

Jon Bachand & Ari Feinstein

The U.S. Supreme Court agreed to consider a question raised by Helsinn Healthcare: whether, under the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act (AIA) an inventor's sale of an invention to a third party that is obligated to keep the invention confidential qualifies as prior art for purposes of determining the patentability of the invention.

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IP News

Howard Shire & Adam Fisher

Federal Circuit Holds That Tribal Sovereign Immunity Cannot Be Asserted in IPR Proceedings<br>Citing 'Steep Burden' on Plaintiffs, Federal Circuit Denies Use of 'Entire Market Value Rule' in Cases Involving Multicomponent Products


Affirmation of the Alien Venue Rule Image

Affirmation of the Alien Venue Rule

Brian Kramer & Kevin T. Kwon

<b><i>In re: HTC Corporation</b></i><p>The Federal Circuit recently addressed motions to transfer and drew a distinction between motions based upon the convenience of parties and witnesses and those for improper venue. It also clarified that the Supreme Court's recent decision in <i>TC Heartland</i> did not supplant the long-standing rule that venue laws do not protect foreign defendants.

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IP News

Jeff Ginsberg & Zhiqiang Liu

A Split Federal Circuit Panel Finds That Petitioner Has Standing to Challenge PTAB's Final Written Decision and That Petitioner Properly Submitted Evidence on Reply<br>Federal Circuit Rejects Patent Owner's Time-Bar Defense Based on Privity<br>Federal Circuit Finds That District Court May Rely on a Ground Not Raised by Any Party in Granting a Motion for Summary Judgment of Invalidity

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