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Exploring the Nebulous Boundaries of Trade Dress Image

Exploring the Nebulous Boundaries of Trade Dress

Nicole D. Galli 

Now that we are in the digital age, questions have been raised about the trade dress of websites and apps.


Damages for Extraterritorial Infringement of U.S. Patents Image

Damages for Extraterritorial Infringement of U.S. Patents

Aaron Davidson 

A look at the gray area of infringement of U.S. patents in the U.S., but with related consequences or actions outside the U.S.


Rights and Obligations In Patent Licenses Image

Rights and Obligations In Patent Licenses

Tom Gushue

The owner of a commercially successful patent may have competing desires. On one hand, the patent owner wants to protect the patent and secure its maximum benefit; on the other hand, the patent owner wants to avoid enforcement litigation with competitors because it is expensive and puts the patent at risk.


Did Congress Create Unintended Risks to Innovators In the AIA?  Image

Did Congress Create Unintended Risks to Innovators In the AIA? 

Glenn E.J. Murphy

Many observers greeted the passage of the AIA into law as a long-overdue overhaul of U.S. patent law that aligned it with patent systems prevailing in the rest of the world. Who knew what mischief just seven of the AIA's more than 25,000 words contained? The U.S. Supreme Court answered earlier this year.


Takeaways from the Recent Qualcomm Decision Image

Takeaways from the Recent Qualcomm Decision

Karen Hoffman Lent & Kenneth Schwartz

The DOJ's intervention, and the judge's ultimate decision, has exposed tensions between the DOJ and FTC, and within the FTC itself, and public scrutiny is far from over as the case heads to the Ninth Circuit on appeal.


States Not Immune from PTAB Proceedings, Federal Circuit Rules Image

States Not Immune from PTAB Proceedings, Federal Circuit Rules

Scott Graham

Fifteen states had argued that they and their public universities shouldn't have to expose their patents to validity review at the patent trial and appeal board.

Columns & Departments

IP News Image

IP News

Jeffrey S. Ginsberg & Abhishek Bapna

Federal Circuit Finds District Court Erred in Analysis of Motivation to Combine Prior Art References, Yet Affirms Ultimate Conclusion of Non-obviousness Due to the Lack of a Reasonable Expectation of Success<br>Federal Circuit Rules that Issue Preclusion Bars a Party from Arguing in an Appeal of an Inter Partes Review Decision an Issue Previously Decided in Another Inter Partes Review Proceeding that Was Not Appealed


As Section 101 and the Progeny of Mayo and Myriad Continue to Wreak Havoc on Portfolios, How Is The Life Sciences Industry Fighting Back? Image

As Section 101 and the Progeny of Mayo and Myriad Continue to Wreak Havoc on Portfolios, How Is The Life Sciences Industry Fighting Back?

Wesley Overson, Otis Littlefield, Mat Swiderski, & Stephanie Blij

Since the U.S. Supreme Court decided Mayo and Myriad, the Federal Circuit has expanded the holdings and invalidated more patents directed to biological discoveries. If the newly discovered correlations and properties of what is found in nature cannot be patented, what strategies for protection are left for companies doing biological research?


IPR Estoppel: The Present and the Future Image

IPR Estoppel: The Present and the Future

John P. Isacson

IPRs have now been conducted for several years, and litigation has ensued over the procedures by which they are conducted. Decisions have been rendered by the U.S. Supreme Court and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, which have resolved some issues, created others, and altered procedures.

Columns & Departments

IP News Image

IP News

Jeff Ginsberg & Zhiqiang Liu

Federal Circuit Declines to Follow Patent Office's Subject Matter Eligibility Guidance In Affirming Trial Court's Decision That Claims Are Directed to Patent-Ineligible Subject Matter

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