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Alice and Incongruity In PTAB Appeals Image

Alice and Incongruity In PTAB Appeals

James W. Soong

This article discusses the significant contrast between consideration of issues related to the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Alice Corp. v. CLS Int'l in prosecution and their resolution by the PTAB.

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IP News

Jeff Ginsberg & Abhishek Bapna

Federal Circuit: ITC Did Not Err in Denying Non-Respondent's Petition to Rescind Exclusion Order Based on Invalidity Grounds Federal Circuit: District Court Did Not Err in Ruling that 'Half-Liquid' Is Indefinite Federal Circuit: District Court Did Not Err In Allowing Jury to Determine Infringement Based on Products' Compliance with Standard


Weighing the Benefits: How Much Weight Will Your Survey Have in Court? Image

Weighing the Benefits: How Much Weight Will Your Survey Have in Court?

Rene Befurt, Marie Warchol & Anthony Nasr

As consumer surveys become increasingly common forms of evidence in matters involving copyright, patent or trademark infringement, so too do Daubert challenges that attempt to disqualify that evidence. However, getting admitted into court is no guarantee of success — you are not over the entire Daubert hurdle just yet. The next step is ensuring that your survey is convincing the fact finders that your survey's results are dependable and useful.

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IP News

Howard Shire & Shaleen Patel

Federal Circuit: Faulty Claim Construction Does Not End Patentability Determination Federal Circuit: Notice to Market Bio Product Not Negated By New Applications


What You Need to Know About the USPTO's Proposed Rule Changes to PTAB Trials Image

What You Need to Know About the USPTO's Proposed Rule Changes to PTAB Trials

Kerry S. Taylor & Nathanael R. Luman

On May 27, 2020 the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) proposed rule changes to govern inter partes review (IPR), post-grant review (PGR), and covered business method (CBM) review proceedings at the PTAB. This article provides a summary of each proposed rule change and its potential impact on PTAB practice.

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IP News

Jeff Ginsberg & Zhiqiang Liu

Federal Circuit Finds Preamble Not Limiting and Claims Reciting Means-Plus-Function Limitations Without Disclosure of Corresponding Structures Cannot Be Determined Unpatentable as Indefinite in an IPR Proceeding Federal Circuit Finds That District Court Correctly Applied the Disclosure-Dedication Doctrine In Granting a Motion for Judgment of Non-Infringement on the Pleadings


You've Made Your Bed, Now Lie In It – Binding Settlement Agreement Defeats A Post-Settlement Judgment Image

You've Made Your Bed, Now Lie In It – Binding Settlement Agreement Defeats A Post-Settlement Judgment

Rudy Kim & Chris Han

Holding that the parties' executed agreement mooted the issues in the case, the Federal Circuit recently reversed a district court's decision to grant summary judgment of non-infringement despite the parties' agreement. The decision builds upon prior Federal Circuit case law giving effect to settlement agreements.

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IP News

Howard Shire & Shaleen Patel

Article III Inter Partes Review Decision Precluded By Congress, SCOTUS Rules SDNY: Video Game Makers Not Violating Copyright with NBA Player Tattoos


Practical Tips for Securing Patent Rights for AI-Generated Inventions Image

Practical Tips for Securing Patent Rights for AI-Generated Inventions

Gunjan Agarwal 

While AI is rising as a key commercial player at the global scale with an expected market size of almost $400 billion by 2025, are patent laws around the world equipped to incentivize this revolution?

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IP News

Jeff Ginsberg & Matthew Weiss

Federal Circuit: Method of Preparation Claim is Patentable Federal Circuit: Same Party Cannot Join IPR Petitions under 35 U.S.C. §315(c)

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