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Attorney's Fees After Octane: More Chances for Defendants to Even the Playing Field Image

Attorney's Fees After Octane: More Chances for Defendants to Even the Playing Field

Rudy Y. Kim

With fewer restraints after Octane, district courts now have broader discretion to grant motions for attorney's fees. But understanding the circumstances under which exceptionality has been found is critical. Recent decisions by the Federal Circuit post-Octane provide some important guidance on when attorney's fees may be available under Section 285.


You Know What It Is: Taco Tuesday and the Failure-to-Function Doctrine In Trademark Law Image

You Know What It Is: Taco Tuesday and the Failure-to-Function Doctrine In Trademark Law

Brandon Leahy

The foundational requirement that a trademark function as a trademark has received little attention in the case law. More recently, however, there has been an apparent uptick in scrutiny of trademark use by the USPTO and TTAB, as well as fresh academic attention paid to the issue.

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IP News

Jeff Ginsberg

Northern District of Texas: Even Post-Berkheimer, Patent Claims Continue to be Ineligible for Patenting as a Matter of Law When They Are Not Drawn to Particular Technical Solutions or Advances Described in the Specification Federal Circuit: The PTAB Cannot Institute Inter Partes Review on Obviousness Grounds Not Included in the IPR Petition, But Can Consider Evidence of "General Knowledge" in the Art


U.S. Supreme Court Reaffirms the American Rule In De Novo Challenges to the PTO Image

U.S. Supreme Court Reaffirms the American Rule In De Novo Challenges to the PTO

Jonathan Moskin

In 2013, the PTO adopted a new policy under which any party commencing a de novo proceeding challenging a PTO decision would be responsible to pay a pro rata share of the salaries of the government attorneys working on the matter. On Dec. 11, 2019, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected the PTO's new interpretation of the Patent Act and held that the American Rule, a centuries-old principle under which each party bears its own attorneys' fees, does apply to this statute.

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IP News

Shaleen J. Patel

Do Not Pass Go? U.S. Supreme Court to Review Federal Circuit's Finding of Justiciability


Patenting Diagnostic Tests: Can We Expect Changes? Image

Patenting Diagnostic Tests: Can We Expect Changes?

Leslie Kushner

This article discusses the jurisprudence applied to determining patent eligibility of claims for diagnostic methods, and the expectation for changes in analysis of patent eligibility under §101 in the near future.

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IP News

Joshua R. Stein & Jeff Ginsberg

Federal Circuit Holds PTAB Judges Unconstitutional, Constructs a Fix—But Not All Judges Agree on What Happens Next


More Chinese Companies Are Joining U.S. Firms to Fight Patent Trolls Image

More Chinese Companies Are Joining U.S. Firms to Fight Patent Trolls

Phillip Bantz

Some of China's largest companies have banded together with major brands in the United States and elsewhere to neutralize "patent trolls," an indication that the country's firms are becoming increasingly concerned about patent infringement litigation.

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IP News

George Soussou & Jeff Ginsberg

More Than a Recitation of Hooke's Law Needed for Patent Protection A Claim for a Chair Limits the Claim to a Chair


The Madrid System Turns 30: The Pros and Cons of Using the Madrid Protocol in the United States and for U.S. Based Companies Image

The Madrid System Turns 30: The Pros and Cons of Using the Madrid Protocol in the United States and for U.S. Based Companies

Stacey C. Kalamaras

This summer, the Madrid System turned 30 years old, and as two more countries prepare to join the Madrid Protocol we look at how the Madrid System has grown as it enters full adulthood.

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