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IP News

Jeffrey S. Ginsberg & Joyce L. Nadipuram

Federal Circuit Clarifies Motivation to Combine to Achieve the Claimed Invention and Holds IPR Petitioner Must Be Given Opportunity to Reply Where Patent Owner First Proposes Claim Construction In a Response


A Diverse Patent Portfolio Better Protects Artificial Intelligence Inventions Image

A Diverse Patent Portfolio Better Protects Artificial Intelligence Inventions

Xuechen (Rebecca) Ding & Aseet Patel

Takeaways from 'IBM v. Zillow' from A Patent Drafting Perspective Part One of a Two-Part Article This two-part article sheds light on several important aspects of patents on AI technology. In Part One, we provide a general overview of the IBM v. Zillow lawsuit and discuss strategies to diversify patent portfolios to maximize protection on AI-related technology.

Columns & Departments

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IP News

Jeff Ginsberg & J. Jay Cho

Federal Circuit Examines the Analogous Art Test Federal Circuit Affirms PTAB's Finding of Prior Invention


Generative AI and Patent Considerations Image

Generative AI and Patent Considerations

James W. Soong

A patent strategy informed by the unique considerations raised by generative AI will optimize protections for innovations in the field. Patent strategies should reflect the current legal landscape as well as anticipate potential future legal developments.

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IP News

Jeff Ginsberg & Zhiqiang Liu

Federal Circuit Affirms the Board's Finding of Anticipation Because Prior Art Patent and References Incorporated Therein Inherently Meet the Disputed Claim Limitations Federal Circuit Affirms a Finding of Infringement Because the District Court Correctly Construed "a" and "said" and Rejects Anticipation Argument on Waiver Grounds Federal Circuit Vacates Judgment of Non-Infringement Because the Underlying Stipulation Failed to Provide Sufficient Detail for the Court to Resolve Certain Claim Construction Issues

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IP News

Matthew Weiss

Federal Circuit: Prosecution Laches Applies to Patent Claiming 1987 Priority Date Federal Circuit: Appellate Court Lacks Jurisdiction Over Interlocutory Appeal of Protective Order Dispute

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IP News

Howard Shire & Stephanie Remy

Patent Infringement and Trade Dress In the Ninth Circuit

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IP News

Jeff Ginsberg & Ryan J. Sheehan

Federal Circuit: Unpatentability Ruling In First IPR Estops Patentee In Second IPR of Related Patent Federal Circuit: A Disclaimer Made In a Pending IPR Is Not Binding In That Proceeding, But Is Binding In a Subsequent One

Columns & Departments

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IP News

Jeff Ginsberg and George Soussou

Federal Circuit: No Patent Term Adjustments When Claims Change Federal Circuit: Proceeding Need Not Be Terminated Upon Request


Duty of Candor and Good Faith With the USPTO Covers Non-Inventors and Non-Practitioners Image

Duty of Candor and Good Faith With the USPTO Covers Non-Inventors and Non-Practitioners

George Chen, Cory Smith and Ryan Fitzpatrick

Practitioners and non-practitioners that are associated with the examination of patents and patent applications should be vigilant about information that may be material to patentability to avoid having an issued patent be deemed unenforceable.

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