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IP News

Jeff Ginsberg & Ryan J. Sheehan

Federal Circuit: Applicant Admitted Prior Art Cannot Provide a "Basis" for a Ground of Unpatentability in an IPR, But Can be Cited for Other Purposes Federal Circuit: After SAS, IPR Estoppel Extends to Prior-Art Grounds That Reasonably Could Have Been Raised in the Petition

Columns & Departments

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IP News

Howard Shire & Shaleen Patel

Evolusion Concepts, Inc. v. HOC Events, Inc. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corp. v. Accord Healthcare, Inc.


NFTs and Virtual Patent Marking Image

NFTs and Virtual Patent Marking

Willem Klein

Patent marking is an important step in the patent lifecycle as it is generally required to seek damages from infringers prior to the date the suit is filed. While virtual marking has somewhat reduced the overhead of marking, it suffers from the same problems all Internet-based evidence runs into in court: websites are ephemeral and have intermittent accessibility, as well as poor public logging of when information existed where, and for how long. NFTs on a digital blockchain could potentially overcome these hurdles, while still providing the benefits of virtual marking via websites.

Columns & Departments

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IP News

Joshua R. Stein & Jeffrey S. Ginsberg

Pair of Federal Circuit Decisions Address Standing to Appeal Adverse IPR Decision


UPDATE: The Supreme Court 'Arthrex's' Decision In Action Image

UPDATE: The Supreme Court 'Arthrex's' Decision In Action

Ryan C. Deck & Robert E. Browne

Although several direct appeals for PTAB review or rehearing were made by parties who had received adverse outcomes at PTAB hearings after the Arthrex decision, on November 3, the first rehearing was granted by the PTO acting director.


Influence of Lost Profits Damages In Patent Cases Image

Influence of Lost Profits Damages In Patent Cases

Eric Alan Stone & Catherine Nyarady

In two recent decisions, the Federal Circuit and a Delaware district court took account of the underlying economic conditions that permit and prevent awards of lost profits, and looked at the implications of those conditions on otherwise unrelated areas of law.

Columns & Departments

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IP News

Howard Shire & Stephanie Remy

District Court: Exceptionality Found and Attorney Fees Awarded When Patent Owner Pursued Litigation With a Fraudulently Obtained Patent


Creative vs. Corporate: Patent Infringement Awards Respawn the Debate over Patenting Video Games Image

Creative vs. Corporate: Patent Infringement Awards Respawn the Debate over Patenting Video Games

Mark D. Simpson and Paul Leicht

Patents can provide the broadest and strongest form of protection in the video game field. They can protect the methods and processes performed by the game software, and they can protect the hardware components of the game system, both in function and aesthetic design.


Artificial Intelligence and Subject Matter Eligibility In U.S. Patent Office Appeals Image

Artificial Intelligence and Subject Matter Eligibility In U.S. Patent Office Appeals

James W. Soong

For the foreseeable future, patent applications involving artificial intelligence technologies, including machine learning, will increase with the continued proliferation of such technologies. However, subject matter eligibility can be a significant challenge in securing patents on artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Columns & Departments

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IP News

Jeffrey S. Ginsberg & Abhishek Bapna

Federal Circuit Clarifies Pleading Requirements for Patent Cases and Affirms Grant of Summary Judgment of Invalidity under 35 U.S.C. §101 Federal Circuit Holds that Pendency of Motions Unrelated to Interlocutory Judgment Does Not Toll 30-Day Limit to File Notice of Appeal

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