To Avoid Claims, Assess Privacy Impacts of Marketing And CRM
April 02, 2015
Companies are increasingly relying on innovative and edgy digital marketing campaigns to promote their products and services. Campaigns often include user-generated content, viral marketing, the brand's website, a mobile application, and other social media and social networking elements. Companies are also looking to harness data through loyalty programs and consumer tracking to better understand, serve and reach their customers.
When Will the New European Data Laws Come In?
April 02, 2015
One of the most frequent questions that we have at the moment is about the timetable for Europe's changes to data protection laws. Needless to say, there is no definite answer. However, the path forward may recently have become just a little clearer.
Same As It Ever Was?
April 02, 2015
Although several important questions remain unanswered by the Supreme Court, present case law suggests that arbitration clauses may permit consolidation even if those clauses do not address the issue overtly, and that arbitrators, rather than courts, make those decisions.
The New Attorney General and You
April 02, 2015
Loretta Lynch, formerly United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, likely will be the newly confirmed Attorney General of the United States by the time you read this. As spectacle, a changing of the guard is always worthy of note. But for others who are embroiled in or worried about investigations, the change may matter a great deal.
At the Intersection: The LPM Maturity Model
April 02, 2015
Unless you are deaf to the present realities in today's legal marketplace, you now hear the steady drumbeat of client-focused legal service delivery: a persistent rhythm driving you toward Legal Project Management (LPM). Clients are insisting that firms price and deliver services that fit their tolerance for risk, produce excellent results and keep the work within budget.
Federal Circuit Clarifies the Limits Of Patent Exhaustion
April 02, 2015
The Federal Circuit recently clarified the limits of patent exhaustion as it applies to "authorized acquirers" and "complementary goods," holding that authorized sales to persons practicing handset claims did not exhaust a patent owner's rights to enforce distinct but related content claims against defendant content providers who manage and deliver content to handset users.
Effect of Omnicare On Private Placements in Film Ventures
April 02, 2015
In the entertainment industry, we frequently see private placement memoranda seeking to raise capital for films and that refer to success stories and independent films that became box office hits. But the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in <i>Omnicare v. Laborers District Counsel Construction Industry Pension Fund</i> should make all producers think twice about whether, or how, to include these success stories.
<b><i>Practice Tip:</i></b>Government Investigations and Proceedings
April 02, 2015
An area of significant concern for most companies is an investigation by a government regulator, and the subsequent administrative proceeding. Not only is there the possibility of fines and penalties, but the defense costs incurred in defending against such actions typically far exceed the actual penalty imposed. As a result, companies should plan ahead by obtaining insurance that will insulate their bottom line from government investigations and administrative proceedings.