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<b><i>Online Extra</b></i> Michael Keaton Not Liable for Box Office Flop 'Merry Gentleman' Image

<b><i>Online Extra</b></i> Michael Keaton Not Liable for Box Office Flop 'Merry Gentleman'

Mike Sacks

A federal appeals court last month sided with actor Michael Keaton in a breach of contract suit brought against him by the producers behind his box office flop "Merry Gentleman.


Information Is Changing Law Firm Models Image

Information Is Changing Law Firm Models

Hank Grezlak & Gina Passarella

The standard law firm model that has been in effect for the better part of the last 20 years is becoming less viable, and the way law firms are run is undergoing a subtle, yet significant change, driven largely by information.


CA Federal Judge Agrees TV Streaming Co. Qualifies for Compulsory License Image

CA Federal Judge Agrees TV Streaming Co. Qualifies for Compulsory License

Scott Flaherty

Aereo Inc.'s copyright dispute with the major television broadcasters didn't pan out as the now-bankrupt streaming service had hoped. But after Aereo lost at the U.S. Supreme Court, competitor FilmOn X continued to fight. Now, a Los Angeles federal judge has moved FilmOn closer to winning its battle with broadcasters.


Canadian Appellate Court Orders Google To Block Website Worldwide Image

Canadian Appellate Court Orders Google To Block Website Worldwide

Lisa Shuchman

A recent ruling by the Court of Appeal for British Columbia affirmed a lower court decision ordering Google Inc. to block certain websites from its search engine ' not just in British Columbia but worldwide.


The Latest on 'Disparaging' Names, Trademark Rights Image

The Latest on 'Disparaging' Names, Trademark Rights

Zoe Tillman

The Washington Redskins football team has vowed to fight a federal district judge's recent order cancelling the team's federal trademark registrations as likely disparaging to Native Americans. The team's planned appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit sets up a second showdown in federal appeals courts over the government's ability to cancel or deny trademark registrations based on content.


<i>En Banc</i> Ninth Circuit Overturns Injunction In Anti-Islamic Video Case Image

<i>En Banc</i> Ninth Circuit Overturns Injunction In Anti-Islamic Video Case

J. Alexander Lawrence

More than a year after a divided panel of the Ninth Circuit issued a controversial and roundly criticized decision in <i>Garcia v. Google</i> that an actress appearing in a five-second segment of a film could use copyright law to force YouTube to remove the film from its website, the Ninth Circuit sitting <i>en banc</i> has rejected the panel's decision.


Measuring the ROI of Strong Information Governance Processes Image

Measuring the ROI of Strong Information Governance Processes

Nancy Beauchemin

Information governance requires a firm-wide approach for managing and protecting client information. By taking a proactive approach and laying out the business case through the measurement of the return on investment of information governance, law firms realize significant savings, improve client service and minimize risk.


Imposing Liability Under DMCA Counter-Notification Provision Image

Imposing Liability Under DMCA Counter-Notification Provision

Richard Raysman & Peter Brown

Although seemingly dry, the few cases heretofore that have confronted questions surrounding misrepresenting takedown notices have contained facts that are arguably ripped from the tabloids, including a bitter dispute between bloggers over the proper method of childbirth, and a kerfuffle arising from the wider publication of the views of a pro-straight pride organization in the U.K.


Collateral Descriptions and Blanket Liens Image

Collateral Descriptions and Blanket Liens

Barbara M. Goodstein

Describing the collateral for an all-assets lien intuitively might seem easy. However, getting collateral descriptions correct under the rules of Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) has challenged secured lenders for decades, and all-assets liens are no exception. A look at two recent cases.


Tackle Billing Now To Avoid a Year-End Surprise Image

Tackle Billing Now To Avoid a Year-End Surprise

Randy Evans & Shari Klevens

Attorneys rarely think about billings and collections in the summer. Instead, those are topics often left to the year-end collections push. By waiting, however, attorneys lose money, assume risks and otherwise miss important red flags for potential problems that can be avoided or resolved.

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