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Commercial Law


Easy-to-Use Collection Technology Leads to Lower e-Discovery Costs Image

Easy-to-Use Collection Technology Leads to Lower e-Discovery Costs

Brad Harris

Corporate legal departments are all about cost control and efficient processes, yet when hit with a new investigation or lawsuit, legal teams often reflexively fall back on the "collect everything" mentality. The emergence of targeted and remote collection technologies now makes it possible for corporations to collect in a legally defensible way that reduces cost and minimizes business disruption.


Proxy Advisory Firms Image

Proxy Advisory Firms

Jeffrey A. Scudder

For the past several years, I have been tasked with providing an update on proxy advisory firms, most notably ISS and Glass Lewis, and the evolving policy updates they issue on an annual basis.


Transgender Employees' Access to Restrooms In the Workplace Image

Transgender Employees' Access to Restrooms In the Workplace

Amber Morton

Employers with transgender employees should be aware of recent developments in the interpretation of laws for transgender employees, especially in relation to an employee's access to restroom facilities while at work. The following provides a brief explanation of the law and the steps an employer can take to ensure that all employees remain comfortable in using restroom facilities.


Using Unlicensed Photos On Websites Image

Using Unlicensed Photos On Websites

Joshua Kaufman

For a long time, people have generally felt it appropriate to go onto various image search engines, find a photo and then cut and paste it into their publication or website. One of the reasons this was so easy to get away with was that there was no effective way for photographers to find unlicensed uses of their work. Of late, however, photographers either have acquired new technology or have engaged search companies that have image-searching technology.


Ipro Suite Helps Houston Firm Increase Efficiency Image

Ipro Suite Helps Houston Firm Increase Efficiency

B.B. Neely

Despite our firm's technological savvy, the burden of growing discovery volumes was challenging to manage. We were experiencing performance and workflow issues on all cases with over 150,000 documents, forcing us to send the larger cases to outside vendors, adding time and cost to every case. Our goal was to find a new in-house solution that could process and search vast amounts of data quickly and provide our attorneys with powerful analytic tools to use in early case assessment (ECA) and strategy development.


Data Sharing in the Cloud Image

Data Sharing in the Cloud

Gregory Mottla & L. Elise Dieterich

Storing and sharing data "in the cloud" has become, in many instances, a business necessity. The practical and economic advantages of cloud computing are clear ' it eliminates the need to send client data via traditional, costly methods, and is significantly less expensive than building and maintaining the same data storage capacity in-house.


The Difference in Due Diligence for Franchisors Image

The Difference in Due Diligence for Franchisors

Craig R. Tractenberg

In any business purchase, investment, merger or acquisition, several threshold questions come to mind. What assets are being acquired? Where is the value in the target company? What liabilities are being acquired? How should these be valued for pricing and future growth? What will the acquirer do with the target company? How far can management take the new target?


Structured Data e-Discovery Image

Structured Data e-Discovery

Wendy Predescu & Philip Zimmermann

Courts are increasingly ordering counsel to identify and produce information beyond traditional e-mail and loose files. Whether its employee and payroll data related to a wage and hour dispute or trade data related to a market manipulation investigation, understanding the EDRM as it relates to increasingly larger volumes of structured data has never been a more critical e-discovery capability.


The Art of Cyberwarfare Image

The Art of Cyberwarfare

Chris DiMarco

Cybersecurity is at a crossroads. No longer resigned to the confines of server rooms overseen by information technology, decisions regarding the protection of data have been forced into the boardroom by events that include breaches at main street businesses and revelations of clandestine government hacking activities.


Programmer/Distributor Cable TV Bundle Deals In the Era of Digital Content Delivery Alternatives Image

Programmer/Distributor Cable TV Bundle Deals In the Era of Digital Content Delivery Alternatives

David L. Yohai & Theodore E. Tsekerides

As technological advancements force most of the entertainment industry to evolve or become extinct, the traditional cable TV bundle continues virtually intact. Yet, according to a 2014 Nielsen report, while the average U.S. television-watching home receives 189 channels, TV watchers consistently tune in to just 17. And a steady stream of customers has cut the cable cord altogether in favor of accessing content from alternative sources.

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