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If 2020 Is a Wash, Make 2021 Better By Setting a Marketing Strategy Image

If 2020 Is a Wash, Make 2021 Better By Setting a Marketing Strategy

Amanda Sexton

If you're feeling drained or unsure what the next year will bring, try doing something optimistic and strategic. Try working on your 2021 budget.


Communicating During the COVID-19 Crisis Image

Communicating During the COVID-19 Crisis

John J. Buchanan

The COVID-19 pandemic has likely changed how law firms operate from now on, and it has affected all areas, from client service and IT to business development and attorney recruiting and advancement. One area that has been especially hit hard is the communications function.


Make Your Marketing Purr  Image

Make Your Marketing Purr 

David McCann

Lessons from Our Pets During a Pandemic Our furry companions have used this time of "forced togetherness" to cleverly remind me of some pretty useful marketing lessons for a mid- and post-pandemic world. Here are some of my favorites.


Business Development While Social Distancing Image

Business Development While Social Distancing

Stefanie Marrone

While it is a little more challenging to build relationships that will turn into referrals and new clients today due to social distancing, it is not impossible by any means. It requires shifting to doing more thought leadership and relying on social media and webinars. Here are some ideas on how to incorporate these tools into your marketing and business development strategy and turn your connections into new business and referrals.


Man of La Mancha Revival Dispute Involves Whether Attorney/Client Relationship Arose Image

Man of La Mancha Revival Dispute Involves Whether Attorney/Client Relationship Arose

Stan Soocher

A thorny concern for lawyers is whether — and if so, when — an attorney/client relationship has been formed with a party with whom the lawyer has entered into a business arrangement. Current litigation over an agreement involving theatrical production rights to the Tony Award-winning musical Man of La Mancha offers some perspective on the issue.


How Cultivating Existing Client Relationships Can Boost Business Development Image

How Cultivating Existing Client Relationships Can Boost Business Development

Scott Wallingford

Strategic business development is critical to support firm growth, and CRM software is the backbone of a data-driven approach. This article highlights a few ways to leverage data and software to improve your client experience and create future opportunities.


How Cultivating Existing Client Relationships Can Boost Business Development Image

How Cultivating Existing Client Relationships Can Boost Business Development

Scott Wallingford

Strategic business development is critical to support firm growth, and CRM software is the backbone of a data-driven approach. It not only helps your firm prospect for future clients, but also helps you strengthen and expand existing client relationships.


Client Development During the Pandemic    Image

Client Development During the Pandemic   

Larry Bodine

The new normal under the plague has put pressure on law firms to simply operate, as well as thrive. However, law firms have a unique opportunity during the COVID-19 outbreak to capture new files and business. Now is the time to use a personal touch and double down on digital marketing.


Voice of the Client: Hearing the Voice of the Client Image

Voice of the Client: Hearing the Voice of the Client

Deborah Farone & Michael Mellor

For the last decade, law firms have been touting that they are client-centered. While we generally agree that is the case, we also believe that there are still untapped opportunities to bring the "voice of the client" to additional aspects of the firm and improve the overall client experience.


Competitive Intelligence: "Dear Marketing & Business Development Professional …" Image

Competitive Intelligence: "Dear Marketing & Business Development Professional …"

Stacy Zinken

Letters from librarians on value and opportunities to work together to support firm goals.

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