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Law Firm Management


Budgeting Is the Key to Effective Alternative Billing Image

Budgeting Is the Key to Effective Alternative Billing

Ed Poll

The best way to balance the interests of the lawyer and client is by developing a budget at the start of an engagement where alternative billing is used.


Addressing the Fraying Partnership Image

Addressing the Fraying Partnership

Joseph B. Altonji

Reversing the course of negative change in a fraying partnership is not easy, but it can be done if leaders and their followers are willing to step outside their comfort zones and embrace positive change.

REFERRALS - A Key to Business Development Success Image

REFERRALS - A Key to Business Development Success

REFERRALS - A Key to Business Development Success When clients are looking to select a lawfirm, they may glance at the website or Google for information. But referrals are the key component of identifying a match to their need. According to the Harvard Business Review, a successful professional services firm will have at least 50% of its new annual business coming from clients and referrals. How does your firm measure up?…



Allan Colman, [email protected]

NAME FIRMS ARE NO LONGER DRIVING THE BUS -- The legal world is now more competitve than ever - and will stay this way. The economic downturn has forced corporations, agencies, etc. to tighten their own belts. They are bringing more work in-house, terminating more long-term relationships, and insisting on new pricing strategies. Smart law firms, especially mid-sized groups, have been known to provide excellent skills and client support. This is the time to take…


Is Your 401(k) Up to the Task? Image

Is Your 401(k) Up to the Task?

Frank Armstrong, III

A good 401(k) can be a great ally as you prepare for retirement; a lousy plan, on the other hand, could erode your ability to build for a decent and secure retirement. Now is a very good time to make sure your 401(k) plan is up to the challenge.


Retiree Health Care Issues After the Affordable Care Act Image

Retiree Health Care Issues After the Affordable Care Act

Larry Bell

Following implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, the funding and providing of promised retiree health benefits has a new series of requirements that must be met by Taft-Hartley retirement plans, employers and plan sponsors.


Successfully Finding, Hiring and Managing Marketing Consultants and Agencies Image

Successfully Finding, Hiring and Managing Marketing Consultants and Agencies

John Buchanan

There's no one perfect solution for finding the right consultant, making a "good hire" and then effectively managing that resource, but there are a few guidelines that can, at least, set you on the right path.


Women Champions Image

Women Champions

Debra Forman

Women lawyers will develop their practice and client development skills more effectively if they are mentored and championed by other women lawyers. Here's why.


More Firms Put Non-Lawyers at the Top Image

More Firms Put Non-Lawyers at the Top

David R. Maurer

The point of this article is not to determine exactly who should run a law firm, but to explore some factors worth considering when contemplating the most effective and efficient form of law firm leadership.

Dangers of Neglecting Business Savvy Image

Dangers of Neglecting Business Savvy

allan colman; [email protected]

DANGERS OF NEGLECTING BUSINESS SAVVY In a recent business radio program interview, I was asked a series of questions about client development and retention. One was "WHAT ARE THE DANGERS OF AN EXPERT LAWYER NEGLECTING THEIR BUSINESS SAVVY?" According to our May, 2012 Closers Group U.S./Canada survey on Client Retention, 365 of the respondents indicated that a lack of attention and communication by the attorneys caused them to be fired. Reasons pjrovided included lack of contact, dissatisfied…

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