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Law Firm Management


Parting Friends? Image

Parting Friends?

Jeffrey Lowe

Perhaps the most troubling decision for any partnership's management committee is the determination to force partners from the partnership. This article examines what law firms can do to assist their partners as they show them the door.

Spinning Out of Control<i>When Bad Things Happen to Good Marketers</i> Image

Spinning Out of Control<i>When Bad Things Happen to Good Marketers</i>

Bruce W. Marcus

Every election campaign produces, among other things, media myths and bad language. During the elections of the last decade, the language was infected by a new myth called spin control. The phrase, which broke a speed record in becoming a clich' after the 1988 election, implies that a good media relations practitioner can control the nature and texture of a story in the press ' can put the right spin on it to get the journalist to tell it the spinner's way.

Spinning Out of Control<i>When Bad Things Happen to Good Marketers</i> Image

Spinning Out of Control<i>When Bad Things Happen to Good Marketers</i>

Bruce W. Marcus

Every election campaign produces, among other things, media myths and bad language. During the elections of the last decade, the language was infected by a new myth called spin control. The phrase, which broke a speed record in becoming a clich' after the 1988 election, implies that a good media relations practitioner can control the nature and texture of a story in the press ' can put the right spin on it to get the journalist to tell it the spinner's way.


Maintaining Trust: Rules, Snares, and Worries in Trust Account Management Image

Maintaining Trust: Rules, Snares, and Worries in Trust Account Management

Edward Poll

Lawyers constantly face ethical snares on the use of and accounting for client trust accounts.


Law Firms and Social Networking Image

Law Firms and Social Networking

Paula Campbell

Along with the viral popularity of social networking Web sites (one of these sites is the fourth most-trafficked Web site in the world), legal blogs, collaboration sites, and informal online education options comes the vulnerability of some risk.


Giving 'Til It Hurts Image

Giving 'Til It Hurts

Bruce W. Marcus

There is no firm in business today that isn't inundated regularly by requests for contributions, whether for charitable, community, or political causes. For the community- minded firm, the requests can be overwhelming, as is the feeling that you do indeed want to help the organization requesting your help. But how can you serve your community ' and frequently, your firm ' without hurting your own firm's budget and community relations?


Client Speak: The Do-or-Die Business Development Moment Image

Client Speak: The Do-or-Die Business Development Moment

Allan Colman

For that one little question, "Would you like to hire us?" there is no approved wording to use or tone with which to ask it. Are we supposed to deferentially lower our voices when we pop the fateful question? How much confidence should we exude?


How to Safeguard Employee Data Image

How to Safeguard Employee Data

Rosanna Sattler & Nancy Puleo

Employers should be aware of the rapid growth of data privacy and security laws, which may affect their methods of conducting business and handling personal employee information. The new laws carry with them a private right of action in some cases, civil penalties as much as $500,000 and in some states, administrative investigations.


The Treasury Department's Guidelines on Executive Pay Image

The Treasury Department's Guidelines on Executive Pay

Angela Marie Hubbell

The guidelines were designed to strike a balance between the financial industry's need to attract top talent to lead in the current economic climate and the public's interest in requiring transparency and accountability. They require not only disclosure of, but an explanation and justification of the policy supporting certain compensation decisions. Here's how they work.


Separation and General Releases Image

Separation and General Releases

Anne Ciesla Bancroft

This article highlights key issues to consider when preparing employee separation agreements.

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