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Law Firm Management



allan colman,

ASK YOUR CLIENTS FOR THEIR BUSINESS - but make sure you have done your homework.


e-Curing the Holiday Humbug Image

e-Curing the Holiday Humbug

Stanley P. Jaskiewicz

Anyone trying to keep an e-commerce site afloat didn't ' and still doesn't ' need to read the newspaper to realize the business downturn: the grim news appears every day in the cash till, in the aging-of-receivables report, and in overdue payables. While the down times are as inevitable a part of a business cycle as the booming times, that realization doesn't satisfy the bank, the critical vendor at the door or the payroll processor that must be paid.


The Trouble with Anonymous Bloggers Image

The Trouble with Anonymous Bloggers

Joel Cohen & Katherine A. Helm

cyberspace enables anyone willing to spring for a domain name and pay an Internet service provider $15 a month to become a "publisher." And even better for these latter-day Horace Greeleys, they can corral a limitless number of "reporters" without paying one red cent. Small wonder that blogging has become a force of mainstream media. Indeed, blog owners basically need only to grant anonymity to those who post to their Web sites.


Whose Space? Discoverability of Social Networking Web Sites Image

Whose Space? Discoverability of Social Networking Web Sites

Ronald J. Levine & Susan L. Swatski-Lebson

This article explores a social networking site user's right to privacy, an adversary's right to obtain information from that site, and the admissibility of the information.


Leadership Development Programs Image

Leadership Development Programs

Michele Bendekovic & Diane Costigan

Leadership programs can range from a collection of specific training programs to a more comprehensive approach, including an organized curriculum, senior advisers, individual coaching, development plans and formal feedback. If your firm is interested in starting a comprehensive program, here are some factors to consider.


Law Firm Intelligence: Researching the Economy Image

Law Firm Intelligence: Researching the Economy

Shannon Sankstone

This is the first in a series of articles designed to provide researchers and marketers with tools to gain a degree of clarity and insight into how the economy will affect their firms.


Client Speak: A Three-Way Street Image

Client Speak: A Three-Way Street

Allan Colman

Lawyers who find ways to provide clients with incentives to hire the firm ought to be rewarded accordingly. The principle seems sound enough but, as usual, the devil is in the proverbial details.


Career Journal: Greater Impact -- Deciding Between an In-House or a Freelance Marketing Role Image

Career Journal: Greater Impact -- Deciding Between an In-House or a Freelance Marketing Role

Michael DeCosta

With the average tenure of a law firm Chief Marketing Officer hovering around three years, business development and marketing executives might wonder if the profession offers a healthy career platform for them long term. Here's what they need to know.


Movers & Shakers Image

Movers & Shakers

ALM Staff & Law Journal Newsletters

Who's doing what; who's going where.


Movers & Shakers Image

Movers & Shakers

ALM Staff & Law Journal Newsletters

Who's doing what; who's going where.

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