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Marketing Tech: When COVID Came, Law Firms Delivered Important Messages in Perilous Times Image

Marketing Tech: When COVID Came, Law Firms Delivered Important Messages in Perilous Times

Nick Gaffney & Lauren Gard

Determining what to say to whom, and when to say it, was anything but obvious to law firm leaders and marketing departments at the start of the pandemic. But nine months in, some clear strategies have emerged for successfully navigating external communications when the future is uncertain and the stakes are high.


Media and Communications: Cision State of the Media Report Provides Better Pitching Tips Image

Media and Communications: Cision State of the Media Report Provides Better Pitching Tips

Carlos Arcos

Cisions recent State of the Media Report included some useful insight and guidance for PR professionals when dealing with the media, including ways to build positive relationships with journalists and best practices for pitching.


Why Lawyers Stink At Business Development and What Law Firms Are Doing About It Image

Why Lawyers Stink At Business Development and What Law Firms Are Doing About It

Valerie Pennacchio

Why is it that those who are best skilled at advocating for others are ill-equipped at advocating for their own skills and what to do about it?


With Expenses Expected to Rise in 2021, Will Demand Match? Image

With Expenses Expected to Rise in 2021, Will Demand Match?

Dan Packel

Budget season is in full swing at firms whose fiscal year matches the calendar year, and leaders are exercising a newfound scrutiny over every component of next year's spending as they prepare for an uncertain 2021.


Defending Your Career: Self Advocacy at Review Time Image

Defending Your Career: Self Advocacy at Review Time

Sharon Meit Abrahams

Firms have taken a hit due to COVID-19 and some will use this review cycle to pinpoint underperformers and reduce compensation. This is why it's even more important for you to make a case for yourself.


COVID-19 Dispels Long-Held Law Firm Operations Myths Image

COVID-19 Dispels Long-Held Law Firm Operations Myths

J. Mark Santiago

During the COVID-19 pandemic, law firms have learned that a large number of "essential" services and Standard Operating Procedure rules and assumptions about how an office works are 1950's myths that need to be identified, examined and re-engineered or discarded.


Professional Development: Three Essential Muscles Law Marketers Must Flex While the COVID-19 Crisis Continues Image

Professional Development: Three Essential Muscles Law Marketers Must Flex While the COVID-19 Crisis Continues

Debra Baker

During times of uncertainty lawyers can hunker down and wait it out, hoping that an opportunity to reengage with clients will present itself. Or they can lean into their discomfort and suspend their self-interest, meeting clients where they are even when there may be no immediate billable work or new business to be had. The latter approach creates a meaningful opportunity for lawyers to deepen relationships and set themselves apart from the pack.


Competitive Intelligence: Back to Basics In Times of Uncertainty Image

Competitive Intelligence: Back to Basics In Times of Uncertainty

Patricia Ellard

One of the keys to success in competitive intelligence is communication. Effective communication builds rapport with your clients, which, in turn, builds trust and instills confidence that you will be able to get what they need to achieve their goals. During the COVID-19 pandemic, these elements of trust and rapport have never been more important. In times of stress, there is no time, and it's harder, to build trust and instill confidence.


COVID-19 Dispels Long-Held Law Firm Operations Myths Image

COVID-19 Dispels Long-Held Law Firm Operations Myths

J. Mark Santiago

During the COVID-19 pandemic, law firms have learned that a large number of "essential" services and Standard Operating Procedure rules and assumptions about how an office works are 1950's myths that need to be identified, examined and re-engineered or discarded.


How to Use Reddit to Market Attorneys Image

How to Use Reddit to Market Attorneys

Lauren Scardella

It's safe to say that even if law firm marketers are familiar with Reddit, a very small percentage of lawyers are. But Reddit can be a valuable tool to market attorneys and law firms.

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