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Don't Be Content with No Content Strategy: A Law Firm Content Strategy Primer Image

Don't Be Content with No Content Strategy: A Law Firm Content Strategy Primer

John J. Buchanan

While it's great to create a ton of content, without any kind of plan or guide, your content (and messaging) is all over the map. In order for your content to have real impact and to effectively support your firm's business development goals and objectives, you need to have a "content strategy."


Voice of the Client: 9 Ways You Could Be Hindering New Business Efforts Image

Voice of the Client: 9 Ways You Could Be Hindering New Business Efforts

Mike Mellor

Nine ways you may be hindering your efforts to win new legal business, and a few ideas on how subtle improvements can maximize both success and overall win rates for firms and attorneys.


9 Ways You Could Be Hindering New Business Efforts Image

9 Ways You Could Be Hindering New Business Efforts

Mike Mellor

Nine ways you may be hindering your efforts to win new legal business, and a few ideas on how subtle improvements can maximize both success and overall win rates for firms and attorneys.


Sales Speak: Relationship Building: Systemizing Prospect Engagement Image

Sales Speak: Relationship Building: Systemizing Prospect Engagement

Jennifer Bettencourt

Building rapport with prospective or existing clients and referral sources requires intentional ongoing communication and patience. When relationships fail to progress, it is most often due to a lack of follow-up.


Key Ways to Avoid Negative Publicity  Image

Key Ways to Avoid Negative Publicity 

David McCann

Marketing professionals have a responsibility to do their best to protect the brands of their employers. And part of that responsibility means avoiding, limiting or addressing, to the extent possible, any negative or damaging publicity. While there are nuances within each industry that determine what can and can't be done in this effort, there are some universal strategies I think work well.


Competitive Intelligence: What Is Your Dashboard Report Telling You? Chances Are, Not Much. Image

Competitive Intelligence: What Is Your Dashboard Report Telling You? Chances Are, Not Much.

Jim Jarrell

Until recently, most law firms operated with a cadre of legacy operating systems, financial platforms and reporting technologies from different manufacturers that have no mechanism for connecting with each other, let alone automatically extracting and updating data points between systems. The disparate nature of these technologies has exacerbated the struggle to leverage data and display results in a reporting mechanism that helps direct the firm's decision-making.


Leadership In Law: Leadership for the Strong Image

Leadership In Law: Leadership for the Strong

Silvia Coulter

Law firms have many leaders. Yet in many cases, no formal leadership training takes place, leaving others in their groups or offices performing at less than optimal levels and on their own to get the job done often feeling pressured and stressed. Here are some tips to help partners who lead operational teams, offices, practices, departments, or the firm itself, to implement for leadership impact that books and professors don't seem to directly address.


Marketing Tech: Five Quick and Easy Ways to Hack Your Business Development Image

Marketing Tech: Five Quick and Easy Ways to Hack Your Business Development

Ari Kaplan

The most popular justification for avoiding business-development activities is a lack of time. There are, however, a number of strategies that will allow you to execute and produce results in minutes — or even seconds.


The Time to Improve Administrative Performance Is Now Image

The Time to Improve Administrative Performance Is Now

J. Mark Santiago

This article focuses on what a firm can do now that will improve future firm economics regardless of what the future may hold. It identifies three areas that offer the great opportunity for improving a law firms' economics and better positioning them for whatever the future may bring.


5 Quick and Easy Ways to Hack Your Business Development Image

5 Quick and Easy Ways to Hack Your Business Development

Ari Kaplan

The most popular justification for avoiding business-development activities is a lack of time. There are, however, a number of strategies that will allow you to execute and produce results in minutes — or even seconds.

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