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Voice of the Client: Put Your Best Foot Forward in the New Year — Revaluating Content Strategy Image

Voice of the Client: Put Your Best Foot Forward in the New Year — Revaluating Content Strategy

Jen Betterncourt

While reputation goes a long way in attracting new clients, having a solid content strategy is a critical component of the legal sales cycle at all turns, including retaining the clients you have.


Unmasking the Impostor Syndrome Image

Unmasking the Impostor Syndrome

Cynthia Sharp

Many talented lawyers shortchange themselves and their law firms by failing to implement a strategic business development plan. Some claim that they don't have time to market while others lament that marketing doesn't work — for them. While these and a variety of other excuses are common, it may be productive to dig a little deeper to determine whether other factors are at play.


Competitive Intelligence: Become More Relevant – Meet Your Clients' Needs Every Time Image

Competitive Intelligence: Become More Relevant – Meet Your Clients' Needs Every Time

Patricia Ellard

Becoming and staying relevant is a process. It is not static but always evolving. Your clients change, their needs and requests change, you change, and, throughout these experiences, you learn steps to implement and how to implement them in given situations.


Media & Communication: 3 Ways to Drive Higher ROI from Press Releases Image

Media & Communication: 3 Ways to Drive Higher ROI from Press Releases

Nicholas Gaffney

In an age where law firms can quickly disseminate news to target audiences via multiple social media platforms as well as their own websites, is it finally time to put the press release out to pasture? The press release is a valuable PR tool that deserves to live on. Executed correctly, the benefits outweigh the cost.


Active Listening Wins Clients Image

Active Listening Wins Clients

Kimberly Rice

All too often, we read studies, which report clients' pet peeve with their services providers whom do not listening to them. Or, cited another way, clients…


Legal Tech: Stop, Collaborate and Listen -- Collaboration Tools Are a Brand New Invention Image

Legal Tech: Stop, Collaborate and Listen -- Collaboration Tools Are a Brand New Invention

Michele C.S. Lange

Today's workplaces require tools that enhance employee productivity and provide the flexibility to never miss a critical business opportunity. Organizations in other industries have already experienced the benefits of enterprise collaboration, and now this technology is making its way into the legal sector. The rise of enterprise collaboration is redefining the modern law firm and legal department.


Only 30% of Workday Is Spent on Billable Hours, Report Says Image

Only 30% of Workday Is Spent on Billable Hours, Report Says

Brenda Sapino Jeffreys

U.S. lawyers are still spending too little of their workday on billable hours, a year after an eye-opening report found lawyers devoted only 29% — 2.3 hours — of each eight-hour workday to billable hours.


Valuation Implications of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 Image

Valuation Implications of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017

Ronald L. Seigneur

This article focuses on the impact of tax reform on C corporations and looks at the significant and complex changes to pass through entities.


Law Firms Are More Profitable Than Ever. How are They Doing It? Image

Law Firms Are More Profitable Than Ever. How are They Doing It?

Nicholas Bruch

<b><i>Given the Obstacles Law Firms Are Facing, Profitability Shouldn't Be Increasing</b></i><p>Rising competition from alternative service providers and the ever-forward march of technology adoption should be having a similar, negative, effect on profitability. This raises an obvious question — how are law firms doing it?


'Cause We Are Living in a Digital World … Image

'Cause We Are Living in a Digital World …

David McCann

As with traditional branding, a digital brand is simply the perception individuals have of a business or organization online. Digital branding is a brand management technique that uses a combination of Internet branding and digital marketing to develop a brand over a range of digital venues, including Internet-based relationships, device-based applications and media. The objective is to establish and build trust with potential clients, especially while they are in the decision phase of the selection process.

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