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All Digital Assets Are Not Legally Equal Image

All Digital Assets Are Not Legally Equal

Jonathan Bick

The Internet has generated a new set of assets known as "digital assets." Broadly defined, a digital asset is an electronic record in which an individual has a right or interest. This definition erroneously implies that digital assets should be treated as a legally equivalent set of assets when, in fact, failure to differentiate digital assets into one of three distinct classes will result in legal difficulties.


Social Media: Questions of Admissibility and Ethics Image

Social Media: Questions of Admissibility and Ethics

Khizar A. Sheikh, Lynne Strober & Jennifer Presti

<b><i>Part One of a Two-Part Article</i></b><p>This two-part article is divided into three sections: 1) Social media, defined; 2) Examples of how social media has been used in family law cases; and 3) Ethical considerations for attorneys who gather social media evidence.


Procedures for Protecting Entertainment Domain Names Against Cybersquatters Image

Procedures for Protecting Entertainment Domain Names Against Cybersquatters

Karen Levin, Ariel Ronneburger & Damias Wilson

Because there are so many new digital channels for possible intellectual property infringement, knowledge of the various mechanisms available to combat the issue is vital to enabling entertainment industry owners to protect their brand.


Big Data, Web 'Scraping' and Competition Law Image

Big Data, Web 'Scraping' and Competition Law

Shepard Goldfein & James Keyte

<b><i>The Debate Continues</i></b><p>Web "scraping" is one method of accumulating data that has sparked recent legal debate, both antitrust and otherwise. Legal challenges to Web scraping have involved privacy claims and claims under the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act, in addition to antitrust claims about the need to collect public data to be able to compete freely.


FTC Moves Directly Against Social Media Influencers Image

FTC Moves Directly Against Social Media Influencers

C. Ryan Barber

The FTC has faulted social media influencers for failing to disclose the payments behind their seemingly organic endorsements. But the FTC only reached settlements with the companies, raising a question of when — if ever — the agency would directly go after the influencers.


Website Accessibility: The Law and Your Business Priorities Image

Website Accessibility: The Law and Your Business Priorities

Matthias L. Niska

The first step to solving a problem is knowing it exists. But many businesses have never thought to ask whether their customer-facing websites are accessible to people with disabilities, and only become aware of the issue when they are sent a demand letter or served with a lawsuit alleging that their site violates the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).


What's the Deal with WhatsApp? Image

What's the Deal with WhatsApp?

Julian Sheppard & Michele C.S. Lange

<b><i>Investigating and Discovering Mobile Device Data</b></i><p>Analyzing data from mobile devices is still uncharted territory for many in Legal and IT. Accordingly, today's modern legal and technology professionals need to brush-up on all things mobile. This includes understanding where applicable data resides in a mobile device and what common challenges are associated with accessing, preserving and extracting this data. One such app taking the mobile device world by storm is WhatsApp.


Social Media Grabs Attention of SCOTUS Image

Social Media Grabs Attention of SCOTUS

Shari Claire Lewis

It is a truism that law often lags technology. Near the end of the U.S. Supreme Court's past term, the Court issued a decision in which the majority opinion, by Justice Kennedy, recognized the importance of social media in most people's lives. The ramifications of the court's statements about social media are already reverberating in the courts.


Permission to Post Image

Permission to Post

Spencer X Smith

You don't need a separate policy governing how your firm's staff will represent you on social media. You already have one.


Dark Web Marketplace Takedowns Mitigate Legal's Cyberthreat, But Only So Much Image

Dark Web Marketplace Takedowns Mitigate Legal's Cyberthreat, But Only So Much

Rhys Dipshan

The recent takedown of dark Web marketplace AlphaBay represented a major success for law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and around the world. However, experts caution that its effect on mitigating the overall level of cyberthreat faced by corporations and law firms alike, while significant, will likely be temporary at best.

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