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Ramped Up Internal Technology Is a Win-Win for Law Firms and Their Clients Image

Ramped Up Internal Technology Is a Win-Win for Law Firms and Their Clients

Brandie Knox

This article identifies why investing in digital tools and applications is more important today than ever and provides examples and potential questions law firms should contemplate.


Spring Forward: Three Insights from Women Who Win in Business Development Image

Spring Forward: Three Insights from Women Who Win in Business Development

Holly Barocio

While the mastery of business development fundamentals applies to all lawyers, women business developers possess unique characteristics and face unique challenges in comparison to their male counterparts.


How to Create a Culture In a Law Firm That Supports 'The Hustle' Image

How to Create a Culture In a Law Firm That Supports 'The Hustle'

Randi Rosenblatt

Whether they practice at global firms consisting of thousands of lawyers or decide to hang a shingle and put their name on the door, lawyers chose a path requiring continuous, never-ending hustle. Not only do they need to master the practice of law, they need to master the art of driving revenue.


Professional Development: How to Be An Ally In the Legal Profession Image

Professional Development: How to Be An Ally In the Legal Profession

Sharon Meit Abrahams

Last year law firms sent out announcements about their commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) efforts in response to racial tensions. One of the initiatives firms stated they implemented is a formal allyship program. However, allyship in not a program or a mindset. It is a verb.


How Do Business Development Efforts In High-Performing Law Firms Differ? Image

How Do Business Development Efforts In High-Performing Law Firms Differ?

Meghan Frank

As firms and their clients continue to navigate ongoing business challenges in 2021, BD and marketing professionals first need to understand how mature their efforts are in specific areas. Then, they can look at what the successful firms are doing differently, so they can position themselves to join those ranks.


5 Critical Steps Down the Business Development Road Image

5 Critical Steps Down the Business Development Road

Aaron Y. Strauss

There is no question that a successful career in professional services requires an ability to generate new business. While acquiring the skills necessary to develop business is certainly a life-long journey, here are five critical elements to consider from the outset.


Gender Equity Is Part of DRI's DNA Image

Gender Equity Is Part of DRI's DNA

Emily G. Coughlin

DRI is leading the way for women to take hold of leadership positions, setting the standard for other industry organizations to follow suit.


Hindsights, Insights and Foresights: Producing Content That Clients Value Image

Hindsights, Insights and Foresights: Producing Content That Clients Value

Eric Dewey

This article describes a model to help your lawyers evaluate the relative value of the information they are sending to their clients and help you communicate the importance of delivering value in their written communications to clients.


Is Your Firm Prepared for the 'Silver Tsunami'? Image

Is Your Firm Prepared for the 'Silver Tsunami'?

J. Mark Santiago 

A Silver Tsunami of aging partners is threatening the legal profession. There's a way to higher ground.


Why Law Firms Need to Know About the 'Excess Share of Voice' Rule Image

Why Law Firms Need to Know About the 'Excess Share of Voice' Rule

Michelle Calcote King

Every time a brand is mentioned in the media, authors an article, posts on social media or runs a series of ads, a conversation is happening. The conversation is amplified when the audience engages by sharing the article, commenting on the social media post or clicking on the ads. All of this activity results in a certain share of voice.

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