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Diversity As a Differentiator in the Legal Profession Image

Diversity As a Differentiator in the Legal Profession

John J. Buchanan

One aspect of law firms that is becoming increasingly of interest to clients — and an area that might offer opportunities for differentiation — is law firm commitment to increasing and sustaining diversity.


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Standing at the Crossroads of Legal Innovation

Teresa J. Walker

The law firm business model of the past is under attack. Slowly, private legal is responding with things like developing knowledge management systems, establishing jobs for data analysts who can establish pricing of services and beginning to look at ways to outline workflows and processes. Unfortunately, corporate clients are impatient and are beginning to push harder for improved efficiency and increased speed of service delivery.


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Social Media Scene: Permission to Post

Spencer X Smith

<b><I>NASA Doesn't Need a Social Media Policy, and Neither Do You</I></b><p>You don't need a separate policy governing how your firm's staff will represent you on social media. You already have one.


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<b><I>Voice of the Client:</I></b> Client Feedback and Recent GC Panel Insight

Bruce Alltop

Given the level of focus placed on client teams, industry teams, and client feedback by our law firm clients over the past 18 months, it would appear that firms are not only seeking out the voice of the client, but they are listening and taking action.


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Motivating Attorneys to Accomplish Firm Objectives

Joel A. Rose

The two major challenges now facing lawyer management in many of these mid-size firms are: 1) how to motivate the non-entrepreneurial attorneys to achieve and to perform; and 2) how to retain the "over-achiever" attorneys so they will remain with the firm.


The Business Intelligence to Competitive Intelligence Continuum Image

The Business Intelligence to Competitive Intelligence Continuum

Mark T. Greene

Where law firm leaders' "gut judgement" was once sufficient, running the business well now requires solid intelligence (yes, Big Law is a business). Decisions must balance the demands of clients with those of the partnership. Law firms are awash in data, but harnessing it to support sound decision-making is a major challenge.


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Law Firm Strategy Execs Wield Uneven Clout

Lizzy McLellan

The role of chief strategy officer (CSO) — increasingly common in corporate America — has been adopted by relatively few law firms. Consultants say perceptions of what the position entails and whether it's necessary vary widely throughout the legal industry.


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Motivating Attorneys To Accomplish Firm Objectives

Joel A. Rose

Absent the willingness or inability of first tier partners to create an environment in which blossoming attorneys can achieve their personal, professional and economic objectives, the likelihood is that these very attractive partners may leave to join other law firms.


The Business Intelligence to Competitive Intelligence Continuum Image

The Business Intelligence to Competitive Intelligence Continuum

Mark T. Greene

Not too many years ago, good decisions made by smart lawyers were sufficient. Law firms were raising their fees substantially every year and attorney incomes were soaring. Now, corporate buyers are largely calling the shots, and excellent decision-making by law firm leaders is required as firms work to maintain their profitability.


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<b><I>Leadership:</I></b> How Do You Measure Up?

Silvia L. Coulter

Whether a firm has poor leaders, leaders with no vision, leaders who micro-manage or leaders who are downright dysfunctional, somewhere in the firm there is an opportunity to help a leader or a group of leaders to become more effective.

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