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<b><i>Marketing Tech:</i></b> The Evolution of the Legal Profession and Artificial Intelligence Image

<b><i>Marketing Tech:</i></b> The Evolution of the Legal Profession and Artificial Intelligence

Karen (Kat) Ellis

Getting down to business with AI means answering some basic questions and offering some suggestions about the pros and cons of incorporating AI into our businesses, and the impact it will have on our work lives and the future of our legal professions.


Don't Be United in Facing Your Next Crisis Image

Don't Be United in Facing Your Next Crisis

Carlos Arcos

Even if you follow the law and all the internal protocols your firm has in place, you may still find that clients and the public view your actions negatively. In situations where you believe you are in the right, the instinct is not to apologize. Here is how to correctly handle a high-profile PR crisis.


<b><i>Media & Communication:</i></b> Getting Busy Lawyers to Market Image

<b><i>Media & Communication:</i></b> Getting Busy Lawyers to Market

John Hellerman

When lawyers are "too busy with work" to spend their time marketing, that is usually when they are most worthwhile to market. When lawyers are without work and banging down your door for help, that is when they are the least marketable and most challenging.


Five Easy Ways To Elevate Your Executive Presence Image

Five Easy Ways To Elevate Your Executive Presence

Linda Hardenstein

What do you think is the secret sauce that accounts for 26% of what it takes to get promoted, according to 4,000 leaders surveyed by The Center for Talent Innovation? Whether you work in a law firm, for the government or with a corporate legal office, to get promoted, win cases, make more money, or just be more successful, your Executive Presence matters.


Employee Advocacy Image

Employee Advocacy

Stephan Hovnanian

Employee advocacy is when an employee talks favorably to others about the company he or she works for. At its most basic level, it's word-of-mouth marketing. This article explores the advantages of employee advocacy programs in law firms.


<b><i>Voice of the Client:</i></b> Attention, Lawyers! Collaborate with Your Clients Image

<b><i>Voice of the Client:</i></b> Attention, Lawyers! Collaborate with Your Clients

Beth Marie Cuzzone & Kelly Harbour

A team of panelists brings the views and opinions from the client's perspective into focus on issues involving pricing, service, marketing, strategy, differentiation and more.


Get Your Attorneys To Write: Eleven Tips Image

Get Your Attorneys To Write: Eleven Tips

Edie Reinhardt

One of the toughest aspects of content marketing is generating content on a reliable basis. The bad news is you cannot take attorneys out of the process completely because they are the subject matter experts. The good news is you can use various tactics to motivate and help them to produce good content.


Lessons Learned from a Quarter Century in Legal Marketing Image

Lessons Learned from a Quarter Century in Legal Marketing

Kimberly Rice

Words of wisdom for lawyers in all phrases of their careers.


Emails Do Not End in Handshakes Image

Emails Do Not End in Handshakes

Allan Colman

The adage, “emails do not end in handshakes” has never been more true. Here's why.


The Science and Magic of Content Marketing Image

The Science and Magic of Content Marketing

Adam Kosloff

The ins and outs of content marketing.

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